Frontier Resources Limited (ASX:FNT) is an innovative and socially responsible mineral exploration company. The Company is focused on discovering copper-gold-molybdenum porphyry, high grade and bulk mineable gold/ silver epithermal, gold and base metal skarn deposits in the highly mineralised Pacific 'Rim of Fire' in Papua New Guinea. The strategy is then to develop, joint venture or sell the deposits/ELs outright, whichever maximises Frontier shareholder value.
Frontier Resources Limited
2011年3月25日澳洲股市:Frontier Resources (ASX:FNT)在巴布亞新幾內亞Andewa項目發現大規模金礦化體系;Cazaly Resources Limited (ASX:CAZ)公佈Parker Range鐵礦項目的鐵礦石礦產資源估算量提升;Hemisphere Resources Limited (ASX:HEM)在西澳的Yandicoogina South項目中已識別出高品位低磷赤鐵礦化;Uranex NL (ASX:UNX)將在坦桑尼亞南部Mkuju鈾礦項目開始一項6,000米的鑽探作業。
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