Queensland Bauxite Limited (ASX:QBL) is an Australian listed company focused on the exploration and development of its bauxite tenements in Queensland and New South Wales. The Company's lead project is the South Johnstone Bauxite Deposit in northern Queensland which has rail running through the project area and is approximately 15-24 kilometres from the nearest deep water port. The Company intends to become a bauxite producer with a focus on commencing production at South Johnstone as early as possible. The Company also pursues additional investment opportunities, and has agreed to acquire a 100% shareholding in Medical Cannabis Limited, an Australian leader in the hemp and Cannabis industries, and a 100% shareholding in Medcan Australia Pty Ltd, a company with an ODC cultivation and production License and a DA approved Cannabis production and manufacturing facility.
Queensland Bauxite Ltd
オーストラリア市場レポート 2011年3月2日: Queensland Bauxite Limited (ASX:QBL) が 8 件の新ボーキサイト地区承認を取得。 Neon Energy Limited (ASX:NEN) はベトナムでの石油・ガス探査報告を更新。 AusNiCo Limited (ASX:ANW) は同社の Pembroke 鉱脈において更なる浅部高グレード金・銅・ニッケル交差を発表。 Havilah Resources Limited (ASX:HAV) は Maldorky 鉄鉱石プロジェクトを拡大。
219,189 会社概要の閲覧回数
- 日本語ページ閲覧回数: (過去7日間: 16) (過去30日間: 70) (発行以降: 14726)