The directors present their report on the consolidated entity consisting of EnviroSuite Limited (previously known as Pacific Environment Limited) ("the Company") (ASX:EVS) and the entities it controlled at the end of, or during, the half year ended 31 December 2016 (also referred to in this report as the "Group").


As of January 2017, a permanent physical presence has been established in the USA and Europe to complement the existing Australasian team, with efforts in those regions exclusively focused on sales and business development, and leveraging strategic relationships.

Sales Pipeline

The global sales pipeline is growing more rapidly following the increased sales resources and the strategic relationships with groups like HDR in the USA and Odournet in Europe, as well as other partners and marketing initiatives, leading the EnviroSuite team into a number of new opportunities and distribution channels.

From this pipeline the company already has seen a number of new sales in different regions in Europe, North and South America, Asia and Australia, encompassing water and wastewater, food processing and mining companies. Other significant opportunities are being advanced in ports and heavy industrial, aquaculture, government and wastewater sectors.

Existing major trials with clients including Thames Water in the UK, and the US EPA's South Coast Air Quality Management District are nearing conclusion, while discussions are ongoing about future arrangements. Off the back of the South Coast trial, the Company has held meetings with other important government agencies in California and is discussing further opportunities in that sector.

Selection of recent wins

In addition to wins previously announced in Mexico and Australia below is a selection of more recent activities in our target international markets.


EnviroSuite has been notified that an application of its platform for a regional water utility has been accepted. The application allows real-time monitoring of water flow and pressure, allowing for the detection of losses of water from leakages in the pipe network. Other water industry opportunities currently under discussion in Vietnam are also expected to progress.


EnviroSuite has been chosen by a food manufacturer, Leprino Foods, the largest Mozarella cheese manufacturer in the USA to improve the management of odour complaints and emissions around a major processing facility. Odour management and reporting are key operational considerations for many food manufacturers and a significant opportunity for EnviroSuite in the USA and elsewhere.


In Europe, the environmental regulator responsible for the Port of Gijon in northern Spain has recently selected EnviroSuite's monitoring module as a platform for the real-time analysis and management of air quality data. Negotiations with heavy industries in the region are advanced with further project decisions imminent.

The growth prospects for EnviroSuite in the Australian market has been further bolstered by the resurgence of activity in the resources sector generating interest in our mining focused applications including weather forecasting, blasting, dust management and incident reporting.

To view the full report, please visit:

About EnviroSuite Limited

EnviroSuite Limited (ASX:EVS) is an environmental management technology company that has developed a leading Software-as-Service platform which translates data into action in real-time.

Using proprietary algorithms built on more than 30 years of environmental consulting experience, Envirosuite's platform provides a range of environmental monitoring, management and investigative capabilities.

Envirosuite's platform is used worldwide by a range of clients in the mining, oil refining, transportation and water management industries and by governments looking to regulate industry in accordance with community well-being.

To learn more, please visit:



Robin Ormerod
Managing Director
Envirosuite Operations
T: +61-7-3004-6400

Link: Half Yearly Report and Accounts

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