Speedcast International Limited (ASX:SDA) ("Speedcast"), a leading global communications and network service provider, invites investors and analysts to join CEO PJ Beylier and key members of the Speedcast Management at the Speedcast Investor Day on Wednesday 26th April 2017 (11am to 3pm) at Credit Suisse offices in Sydney.

The presentation will be hosted by CEO PJ Beylier & CFO Ian Baldwin. Also in attendance will be:
- David Kagan, Chief Operating Officer
- Keith Johnson, Executive Vice President, Energy
- Andrew Burdall, Executive Vice President, Enterprise & Emerging Markets
- Tim Bailey, Executive Vice President, Products, Marketing, & Business Development

The presentation will provide an overview of Speedcast's market verticals, their respective key growth drivers and the competitive landscape. CEO PJ Beylier will also discuss Speedcast's strategy and long-term growth potential in present market conditions, followed by Q&A.

Please note the focus will be on non-financial information and no detailed financial commentary will be provided.

Details are as follows:

- Time: 11am - 3pm (Sydney time), Wednesday 26 April 2017, including an informal lunch buffet

- Location:
Credit Suisse Sydney office
Level 31, Gateway Building
1 Macquarie Place
Sydney NSW 2000

- Hosts: CEO PJ Beylier & CFO Ian Baldwin

About Speedcast International Ltd

Speedcast International Ltd (ASX:SDA) is the world's most trusted communications and IT services provider, delivering critical communications solutions to the Maritime, Energy, Mining, Media, Telecom, Cruise, NGO, Government, and Enterprise sectors. With more satellite capacity than any other provider, Speedcast enables faster, seamless pole-to-pole coverage from a global hybrid satellite, fiber, cellular, microwave, MPLS, and IP transport network with direct access to public cloud platforms. The company also integrates differentiated technology offerings that provide smarter ways to communicate and distribute content, manage network and remote operations, protect and secure investments, and improve the crew and guest experience. With a passionate customer focus and a strong safety culture, Speedcast serves more than 3,200 customers in over 140 countries. Learn more at www.speedcast.com.



Media Contact Information:
Phillip Parker
Director of Marketing
SpeedCast International Limited
T: +1-832-668-2777
E: phillip.parker@speedcast.com

Investor Contact Information:
Ian Baldwin
Chief Financial Officer
SpeedCast International Limited
T: +61-2-9086-2785
E: ian.baldwin@speedcast.com

Link: SDA Investor Information announcement

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