Cardinal Resources Limited (ASX:CDV) (OTCMKTS:CRDNF) ("Cardinal" or "the Company") is pleased to report drill assay results which are from step-out, down-dip extension drilling.


- Mineralization has been intersected to a vertical depth of over 600m, extending a further 250m to 350m beneath the 4Moz maiden resource.

- A 200m to 300m wide mineralized corridor has been intersected over a 600m strike length and remains open

- NMDD065
o Includes:
-- 23m at 4.65 g/t
-- 19m at 4.35 g/t
-- 16m at 1.95 g/t
o 150m of mineralized intersections at a weighted average grade of 2.3 g/t.

- NMDD062
o Previously reported highlights:
-- 25m at 2.16 g/t
-- 30m at 4.27 g/t
-- 37m at 2.88 g/t
o 150m of mineralized intersections at a weighted average grade of 2.3 g/t.

- NMDD063
o Includes:
-- 25m at 1.58 g/t
-- 24m at 1.17 g/t
-- 17m at 1.75 g/t
o 130m of mineralized intersections at a weighted average grade of 1.4 g/t.

- NMDD067
o Includes:
-- 22m at 1.25 g/t
-- 30m at 1.48 g/t
-- 34m at 3.58 g/t
o 80m of mineralized intersections at a weighted average grade of 1.7 g/t.

Cardinal's MD/CEO, Archie Koimtsidis said:

"Down dip extension drilling continues to confirm that the wide mineralized corridor now extends a further 250m to 300m beneath the 4Moz Maiden Resource over a strike length of at least 600m, whilst maintaining its 200m to 300m width. Five rigs are currently active and more are on the way. The main objectives are to accelerate the extension programme and to initiate an infill drilling programme that will upgrade the current inventory to higher resource categories."

Holes NMDD064 and NMDD066 were drilled at the known northern extent of the mineralization as currently defined. Further geological investigations including ground geophysics and drilling are to commence as soon as possible to elucidate the mineralised corridor in this area.

Table 1 (see the link below) lists the drill hole intersections in previously released drill hole NMDD062 through to NMDD067, based on a reporting rule of a minimum 3 metres down hole mineralised length, a maximum of 3 metres consecutive 'sub-grade' and a lower cutoff grade of 0.5 g/t.


- Grid coordinates are in WWGS84 Zone 30 North
- Intervals are HQ diamond core which are sampled using quarter core every 1m
- Cut-off grade for reporting of intercepts is = 0.5 g/t Au with a maximum of 3m consecutive internal dilution included within the intercept; only intercepts = 3m are reported
- No top cut of individual assays prior to length weighted intersection calculation of the reported intercept has been applied
- Samples are analyzed for Au (FAA505 method) which is a 50g fire assay fusion with AAS instrument finish

For full details of lithologies and assay results of the reported drill holes, please refer to the Cardinal Resources website (

To view tables and figures, please visit:

About Cardinal Resources Ltd

Cardinal Resources Ltd (ASX:CDV) (TSE:CDV) (OTCMKTS:CRDNF) is a West African gold exploration and development Company that holds interests in tenements within Ghana, West Africa.

The Company is focused on the development of the Namdini Project with a gold Ore Reserve of 5.1Moz (0.4 Moz Proved and 4.7 Moz Probable) and a soon to be completed Feasibility Study.

Exploration programmes are also underway at the Company's Bolgatanga (Northern Ghana) and Subranum (Southern Ghana) Projects.

Cardinal confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in its announcement of the Ore Reserve of 3 April 2019. All material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning this estimate continue to apply and have not materially changed.



Archie Koimtsidis
Cardinal Resources Limited
P: +61-8-6558-0573

Alec Rowlands
IR / Corp Dev
Cardinal Resources Limited
P: +1-647-256-1922

Warrick Hazeldine
Cannings Purple
P: +61-417-944-616

Link: Mineralization Down to 600m Vertical Depth

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