Thomson Resources (ASX:TMZ) is pleased to announce that a new drilling program has been completed on its Bygoo tin project near Ardlethan, NSW, as flagged in the recent quarterly report. Drilling took place at the main Bygoo North project, as well as at the Bald Hill tin prospect and the Harry Smith gold prospect.

Twelve holes for 1104m were drilled at Bygoo North to confirm an evolving mineralisation model and extend the mineralisation along strike and at depth. Greisen=type alteration, potentially carrying tin mineralisation, was logged in all holes. 350 samples from individual metres have been submitted for laboratory assay.

Three holes for 170m were drilled at the historic "Maratholi" workings in the southern part of the Bald Hill tin field, 12km south of Ardlethan and on EL 8260, the same EL as the Bygoo prospects north of Ardlethan. Silica-rich greisen alteration was logged in all holes and 77 samples were selected for laboratory analysis.

Five holes for 558m were drilled at the Harry Smith gold prospect near Grong Grong, NSW on EL 8531. Multiple quartz veins were encountered in all holes, hosted by Ordovician shale and sandstone. Gold in the nearby historic workings is associated with quartz veining. 424 drill samples were taken for assay.

All samples have been submitted for laboratory assay with results expected in early April.

Bygoo Tin Project

The Bygoo Tin Project was acquired by Thomson Resources in 2015 and lies on the 100% owned EL 8260. The EL surrounds the major tin deposit at Ardlethan which was mined until 1986, with over 31,500 tonnes of tin being produced (reference Paterson, R.G., 1990, Ardlethan tin deposits in the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Monograph no. 14, pages 1357-1364). There are several early-twentieth century shallow tin workings scattered up to 10km north and south of Ardlethan, and few have been tested with modern exploration. Thomson has had immediate success in drilling near two of the historic workings, Bygoo North and South, which lie towards the northern end of the tin-bearing Ardlethan Granite, 11km north of the town of Ardlethan.

At Bygoo North Thomson has intersected multiple high-grade tin intersections in a quartztopaz- cassiterite greisen including 11m at 1.0% Sn (BNRC10), 35m at 2.1% Sn (BNRC11), 11m at 1.4% Sn (BNRC13), 11m at 2.1% Sn (BNRC20) and 29m at 1.0% Sn (BNRC33).

[For further information and the detail of the above see Thomson Resources ASX Releases of 21 November 2016 and 28 June 2017].

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About Thomson Resources Ltd

Thomson Resources Ltd (ASX:TMZ) is an NSW active mineral explorer. Thomson has several tin projects (including an advanced project near Ardlethan), as well as gold, copper and zinc targets in a range of settings. Thomson has a good record of discovery, with multiple new Intrusion-Related Gold (gold with copper, lead, zinc, molybdenum, tungsten) systems discovered in the Thomson Fold Belt in the NW of the state.



Thomson Resources Ltd
T: +61-2-9906-6225

Link: Progress Report

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