EPA (Environmental Protection Authority) Recommends Environmental Approval for a Proposal to Mine and Process Rare Earths at the Yangibana Project

Hastings Technology Metals Limited (ASX:HAS) ("Hastings" or "the Company") is pleased to advise that the EPA has publicly released the Yangibana Rare Earths Project report which is now open for a 2 week public appeal period, before being submitted to the Minister for Environment for final approval.

- Hastings has secured the next step in the approvals process allowing it to maintain construction commencement guidance for 2019 subject to final finance arrangements.

- Yangibana has undergone a very thorough environmental impact assessment to the satisfaction of the Western Australian EPA, Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety, and the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation and other key stakeholders.


The EPA considered impacts to water and human health were unlikely to be significant and could be managed under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986, the Rights in Water and Irrigation Act 1914, the Radiation Safety Act 1975, the Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994 and the Mining Act 1978.

The proposal includes the development of five open mine pits, groundwater abstraction, on-site processing of ore, tailings storage facilities, access and haul roads and supporting infrastructure such as accommodation facilities, administration buildings and an airstrip."

EPA Chair Dr Tom Hatton said "The EPA's environmental assessment for this rare earth proposal considered impacts on flora and vegetation, stygofauna (subterranean fauna living in the groundwater), local water systems and human health and also considered if these impacts were manageable."

The EPA has recommended conditions including further surveys of flora and vegetation, additional modelling of ground water around small sensitive calcrete areas and that the limited calcrete areas be protected from clearing and mining.

Charles Lew, Executive Chairman of Hastings commented: "This is a very exciting next step in the projects history and takes us one step further to realising our construction and production dream. We are very pleased that the EPA has recommended environmental approval, which is an important milestone towards gaining full environmental approval required for the Yangibana Project."

About Hastings Technology Metals Ltd

Hastings Technology Metals Ltd (ASX:HAS) is advancing its Yangibana Rare Earths Project in the Upper Gascoyne Region of Western Australia towards production. The proposed beneficiation and hydro metallurgy processing plant will treat rare earths deposits, predominantly monazite, hosting high neodymium and praseodymium contents to produce a mixed rare earths carbonate that will be further refined into individual rare earth oxides at processing plants overseas.

Neodymium and praseodymium are vital components in the manufacture of permanent magnets which is used in a wide and expanding range of advanced and high-tech products including electric vehicles, wind turbines, robotics, medical applications and others. Hastings aims to become the next significant producer of neodymium and praseodymium outside of China.

Hastings holds 100% interest in the most significant deposits within the overall project, and 70% interest in additional deposits that will be developed at a later date, all held under Mining Leases. Numerous prospects have been identified warranting detailed exploration to further extend the life of the project.

Brockman Project

The Brockman deposit, near Halls Creek in Western Australia, contains JORC Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resources, estimated using the guidelines of JORC Code (2012 Edition).

The Company is also progressing a Mining Lease application over the Brockman Rare Earths and Rare Metals Project.

Hastings aims to capitalise on the strong demand for critical rare earths created by the expanding demand for new technology products.



Charles Lew
T: +65-9790-9008 /+61-8-6117-6118

Andrew Reid
Chief Operations Officer
T: +61-487-888-787

Link: EPA Recommends Environmental Approval for Yangibana

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Hastings Technology Metals Ltd

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