South American Ferro Metals Limited (ASX:SFZ) owns 100% of the mineral rights and property located in Ponto Verde, in the heart of the Iron Ore Quadrilateral, some 55km from the town of Belo Horizonte in the Minas Gerais State, Southern Brazil.
South American Ferro Metals Limited
2010年12月20日澳洲股市:IMX Resources (ASX:IXR)已向中国发运第一批铁铜矿石货物;澳洲药品开发公司Phylogica Limited (ASX:PYC)已与辉瑞制药(NYSE:PFE)签订合作与许可证协议;Copper Strike Limited (ASX:CSE)在昆士兰西北部的Walford Creek项目已取得良好的铜/银/钴结果;South American Ferro Metals Limited (ASX:SFZ)在巴西生产的铁矿石超出400,000吨。
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