Padbury Mining Limited
Padbury Mining (ASX:PDY) is an emerging Iron Ore explorer dedicated to the development of the Peak Hill Iron Ore Project, 140km NE of Meekatharra, in the Mid West region of Western Australia. At present 70km of highly prospective strike length has been identified. Together with Aurium Resources (ASX:AGU 30% participating interest), Padbury seeks to rapidly develop the Peak Hill Iron Ore Project from an exploration status to become an emerging producer.

2011年3月29日澳洲股市包括:Padbury Mining (ASX:PDY)宣布Peak Hill铁矿石项目内的Telecom Hill矿床的初始JORC推断资源量为8.5亿吨;Universal Coal plc (ASX:UNV)在南非发现厚煤层;Interra Resources Limited (ASX:ITR)在缅甸的CHK 1161开发井已完钻;Mindoro Resources Limited (ASX:MDO) (CVE:MIO)公布了菲律宾Pan de Azucar项目的高品位金铜矿结果。
2011年2月9日澳洲股市报告包括:SomnoMed Limited (ASX:SOM)宣布美国医保患者的口腔矫治器治疗现已纳入医保范围;Padbury Mining Limited (ASX:PDY)在西澳发现高品位赤铁矿化; Highlands Pacific Limited (ASX:HIG)报告巴布亚新几内亚的Frieda Horse Ivaal Trukai项目资源估算量增加79%;Zenith Minerals Limited (ASX:ZNC)宣布Mount Alexander磁铁矿项目结果。
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