Entek Energy Ltd (ASX:ETE) (OTCMKTS:ETKEF) is focused on acquiring and exploring potentially high impact oil and gas opportunities in proven and producing areas. Our onshore projects are located in the Green River Basin (GRB), one of the most prolific hydrocarbon basins in the US. Offshore the company has a significant portfolio of acreage in the shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
Entek Energy Ltd
2011年10月21日亚洲活动报告:Navarre Minerals Limited (ASX:NML)公布在其维多利亚州Tandarra探矿区进行的空气芯钻探钻遇更多高品位金矿体;Entek Energy Limited (ASX:ETE)今天更新了美国Green River盆地Niobrara页岩石油项目评估工作的进展情况;African Iron Limited (ASX:AKI)公布其持有92%股份的刚果Mayoko铁矿石项目取得更多重要的直运矿石分析结果,最高铁含量达61.7%;MIKOH Corporation Limited (ASX:MIK)已收到泰国和印度的两笔新订单。
2011年6月9日亚洲活动报告:Proto Resources & Investments Limited (ASX:PRW)已经签定购买德国一个镍钴开发项目的购买选择权;Southern Cross Goldfields Limited (ASX:SXG) 报告西澳Marda金矿项目重要见矿结果;Entek Energy Limited (ASX:ETE)的VR 342油井钻遇深油层;Adamus Resources (ASX:ADU)的加纳Nzema金矿项目的生产顺利达到预测产量。
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