Hammer Metals Limited (ASX:HMX) holds a strategic tenement position covering approximately 3000km2 within the Mount Isa mining district, with 100% interests in the Kalman (Cu-Au-Mo-Re) deposit, the Overlander North and Overlander South (Cu-Co) deposits, the Millennium (Cu-Co-Au) deposit as well as the recently acquired Elaine-Dorothy (Cu-Au) deposit. Hammer is an active mineral explorer, focused on discovering large copper-gold deposits of the Ernest Henry style and has a range of prospective targets at various stages of testing.
Hammer Metals Limited
中国传统理疗有限公司Traditional Therapy Clinics Ltd (ASX:TTC)宣布,将利用澳大利亚证券交易所的投资者购股意愿档案(ASX BookBuild)协助其在澳交所的首次公开募股(IPO)。
2011年10月11日亚洲活动报告:Allied Healthcare Group (ASX:AHZ)今天表示其所投资公司Coridon Pty Ltd已成功完成其原型药品单纯疱疹病毒2型疫苗的前期临床疗效试验并获得出色结果;Universal Biosensors, Inc. (ASX:UBI)受Cilag GmbH International委托,已开始进行一项研发项目,评估一种用于糖尿病的新型血糖产品的可行性;Kalgoorlie Mining Company Limited (ASX:KMC)报告称,最近在Bullant金矿的东矿脉实施的钻探已钻遇一个可观的高品位金矿带;Midas Resources Limited (ASX:MDS)将在其西澳Lake Carey项目内的Intrepid探矿区以南的一个金矿靶区开始空气芯钻探。
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