Algae.Tec Limited


Algae.Tec Limited ASX AEBAlgae.Tec Limited (ASX:AEB) (OTCMKTS:ALGXY), founded in 2007, is a specialist algae producer, focused on developing technology that captures waste carbon dioxide to produce commercial quantities of algae for use in the food and fuel sectors.

Algae.Tec has carried out in excess of six years of laboratory, bench-scale and pilot tests and product trials to-date; assessed competitive algae technologies; and has applied the development phase results to detailed engineering evaluations of commercial plant operations. Collectively, these activities have led to the development of unique proprietary technology and know-how for high efficiency production and harvesting of algae.

Algae.Tec's algae technology has demonstrated exceptional performance, providing step-change improvements in productivity, product yield, carbon dioxide sequestration, plant footprint requirements and substantial capital/cost savings versus agricultural crops and other competitive algae processes in the industry.

Algae and its byproducts can be used for many applications including nutraceuticals, personal products such as soap and face cream, protein food sources plus bio-polymers and fuels.





117,567 公司背景浏览

  • 本页浏览人次: (过去7日: 56) (过去30日: 315) (自发布以来: 24317) 


  • Unit 2, 100 Railway Road
    Subiaco, Perth
    Western Australia 6008
  • 电话
  • +61-8-9380-6790 
  • 传真
  • +61-8-9381-9161 
  • 主要部门
  • 农业生物技术 
  • 支柱产业
  • 生物科技 
  • 主页
  • E:


  • 2025/02/03: DRP Issue Price*
  • 2025/01/30: Estimated Distribution Announcement*
  • 2025/01/24: Distribution Timetable*
  • 2025/01/07: Units on Issue Disclosure - Dec 2024*
  • 2024/12/02: DRP Issue Price*
  • 2024/11/29: Final Distribution Announcement*
  • 2024/11/28: Estimated Distribution Announcement*
  • 2024/11/25: Distribution Timetable*
  • 2024/11/06: Admission and Commencement of Trading - AEBD*
  • 2024/11/05: Product Disclosure Statement*
*refer to company website
