China Dairy Corporation Limited (ASX:CDC) is a large raw milk producer with operations located in the renowned agriculture and dairy province of Heilongjiang in the north of China. We have a herd size of over 22,000 cows and work with partners with a further 17,000+ cows, giving us an aggregate raw milk production capacity of over 600 tonnes of raw milk per day. With a 10 year track record of successful operations in China, we have built a strong reputation in Heilongjiang as a dependable milk supplier to large Chinese dairy processors. We employ a unique business model that has enabled us to ensure a large and stable supply of milk for our customers while adhering to high quality standards.
China Dairy Corp Ltd
自中国乳业China Dairy Corporation股票代号CDC于今年4月8日在澳交所ASX成功上市之后,股票便不负众望,一路攀升。 7月1日,中国乳业又迈出了在澳发展的重要一步——正式任命澳大利亚前贸易与投资部部长Andrew John Stoner先生为独立非执行董事,为中国乳业在澳的下一步发展打开新的大门。
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