FRA:SIE ISIN:DE0007236101
Siemens AG(SIEMENS) (BRU: SIE) . INFORMATION & COMMUNICATIONS: networks, mobile phones and business services; AUTOMATION & CONTROL: automation and drives, industrial solutions and services; POWER: power generation, transmission and distribution; TRANSPORTATION: products and systems for railway and automotive industries; MEDICAL: healthcare products, solutions and services; LIGHTING: lighting sources and electronic controls; FINANCING: services for financing, investment, treasury, fund management and insurance; REAL ESTATE: development, management and leasing; AFFILIATES: semiconductors (Infineon Technologies); household appliances (BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgerate GmbH). Information & Communications accounted for 32% of 2001 sales; Automation & Control 22%; Power 14%; Transportation 11%; Medical 8%; Lighting 5%; Other segments 8%.

2011年12月9日亞洲活動報告:上海電氣集團(SHA:601727) (HKG:2727)已與西門子(NYSE:SI)簽訂幾份協議,共同投資逾1.65億歐元,在中國建立兩家開發、製造和銷售風電設備的合資公司;北京控股有限公司(HKG:0392)表示,其子公司綠產(青海)已簽訂一份有關中國青海省20兆瓦光伏並網發電項目的承包合同;三菱UFJ金融集團(TYO:8306)將與澳洲AMP Limited (ASX:AMP)建立戰略性商業和資產聯盟;本田汽車(TYO:7267)表示其設在美國俄亥俄州的兩座汽車廠獲得美國環境保護機構頒發的2011能源之星獎。
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