Poseidon Nickel Limited is based in Perth, Western Australia. Poseidon is a mineral exploration company which is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange and holds exploration interest in gold and nickel.<br /><br />Poseidon's main activities are towards the exploration and development of nickel mineralisation in Mt Windarra 260km NNE of Kalgoorlie. Windarra consists of two leases, and one main lease covering a total area of 70 square kilometres.<br /><br />Poseidon also has two exploration interests in gold mineralisation in Ghana, West Africa, both projects sitting in the Ashanti Gold Belt. The Dadwen project is situated on the Ghanaian coast and covers a total area of 42 square kilometres. The Tumentu project is situated directly north of Adamus Resources Limited Salman Gold Project.
Poseidon Nickel Limited
Neometals Ltd (ASX:NMT)和Mineral Resources Limited (ASX:MIN)共同宣布,他們的子公司Reed Industrial Minerals Pty Ltd已與中國第二大鋰生產商江西贛鋒鋰業股份有限公司(SHE:002460)簽訂有條件諒解備忘錄。
Dynasty Metals Australia Limited (ASX:DMA)向股東發布以下通函。
2010年10月20日澳洲股市報告包括:JFE商事株式會社收購Cockatoo Coal Limited (ASX:COK)在Bowen盆地的煤礦項目股份;PanAust Limited (ASX:PNA)將向老撾Phu Kham銅金業務投資1.1億美元;Poseidon Nickel Limited (ASX:POS)已在Cerberus礦鑽遇品位高於預期的硫化鎳;Transol Corporation Limited (ASX:TNC)已收購兩個新的柬埔寨黃金項目。
因力拓公司和必和必拓公司的合作提議再次受到矚目,資源股漲勢強勁,澳洲股市昨天收盤創下七個月來新高。基本指數S&P/ASX200上漲22.8點,或0.57%,報4047.2點,綜合指數上漲30.4點,或0.76 %,報4046.7點。
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