Imdex is a Western Australian based S&P/ASX 300 listed company, which provides drilling fluids and leading down hole instrumentation to the mining, oil and gas, water well, and civil engineering industries worldwide.
Imdex has operations in all significant mining and exploration regions throughout the world and employs some 300 employees.
Imdex Limited
週二華爾街在交易波動中有適度上漲,因為最近股市在財報鼓舞下大漲一段之後,投資者開始變得謹慎。此外,美聯儲主席Ben Bernanke在國會質詢中稱,衰退的步子已顯著放慢了,但金融系統仍然緊張,勞動力市場也在繼續惡化。
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