Fremont Petroleum Corporation Ltd
Fremont Petroleum Corporation (ASX:FPL) is an Oil & Gas Production and Development company. The company was founded in 2006 and is headquartered in Florence Colorado USA with its Australian office located in Sydney Australia. The company has operations in Colorado and Kentucky and interests in two wells Texas.

2011年5月13日亞洲活動報告:Lithex Resources (ASX:LTX)完成礦權地收購,其股票將於5月17日流通;Exploration Limited (ASX:AKK) 已簽署一份協議,購買美國另一塊含豐富油氣的頁岩項目;多種礦物生產企業Gippsland Limited (ASX:GIP)已簽署幾筆有關剝離組建一家公司Adobha Resources Limited的交易;澳洲油氣生產公司Range Resources Limited (ASX:RRS)公佈已與鑽井承包公司簽署一份意向書。
2010年11月24日澳洲股市:Endocoal (ASX:EOC) Orion Downs 煤項目JORC資源量提高54%;Austin Exploration Limited (ASX:AKK)進一步擴大在美國的油氣權益;Brumby Resources Limited (ASX:BMY)最近在西澳的Brilliant Well項目完成了一次反循環鑽探作業;Malagasy Minerals Limited (ASX:MGY)宣布籌資320萬澳元以加快馬達加斯加鑽探和勘探計劃。
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