Cleveland Mining Company Ltd (ASX:CDG) is an Australian managed, ASX listed minerals company squarely focused on developing projects into mines. The company's management team have a track record for building successful projects from the ground up, providing Cleveland with the expertise to secure and build robust projects. Mining and production are underway at the Premier Gold Mine located in Crixas, in central Brazil. The company is also working to expand production developing the Lavra prospect, within the O Capitao Project, less than 10km away. Cleveland has a different approach to project selection with project economics driving target selection. Projects are chosen according to their likelihood of generating returns at the bottom of the economic cycle.
Cleveland Mining Company Limited
澳洲證交所上市公司Cleveland Mining (ASX:CDG)在簽訂Ferradura鐵礦石項目的《購買選擇權協議》之後,計劃在巴西北部興建一座年產5百萬噸的鐵礦石業務。採礦業諮詢集團SRK在對已有鑽探資料的審閱報告中確認此項目具有蘊藏幾億噸赤鐵礦和磁鐵礦化的潛力。
Cleveland Mining Company Limited (ASX:CDG)今天表示,公司將任命Russell Scrimshaw擔任非執行董事,Scrimshaw先生在礦業以及金融領域的豐富經驗將幫助公司開展當前的工作,實現長遠的發展目標。
2011年3月18日澳洲股市包括:Cleveland Mining Company Limited (ASX:CDG) 已簽署一份開發智利中部的El Chapo de Canela金礦項目的具有約束力的意向書;RMG Limited (ASX:RMG)已收購Kamarga鋅礦項目;Gold Road Resources Limited (ASX:GOR)的Yamarna項目黃金資源儲量超過1百萬盎司;Coalworks Limited (ASX:CWK)已完成Ferndale煤礦項目的一期鑽探。
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