Environmental Clean Technologies Ltd

ASX:ECT ISIN:AU0000018137

Environmental Clean Technologies LimitedEnvironmental Clean Technologies Limited (ASX:ECT) is in the business of commercialising leading-edge coal and iron making technologies, which are capable of delivering financial and environmental benefits.

We are focused on advancing a portfolio of technologies, which have significant market potential globally.

ECT's business plan is to pragmatically commercialise these technologies and secure sustainable, profitable income streams through licencing and other commercial mechanisms.


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Reporte de las Finanzas en Asia, 19 de julio de 2011: Petratherm concluye Estimulación de la Fractura Paralana

🕔7/19/2011 12:30:53 PM 44902

El reporte de las Finanzas en Asia menciona a las siguientes compañías: Petratherm, Beach Energy, TRUenergy, Clark Oil and Gas, C @ Limited y Renaissance Uranium; así como la próxima Transimisión sobre Energía en Investorium.tv

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550,111 Visitas al Perfil de la Empresa

  • Número de visitas: (Últimos 7 Días: 29) (Últimos 30 Días: 106) (Desde su Publicación: 29972) 

Datos de la Empresa

  • 388 Punt Rd
    South Yarra
    Melbourne VIC 3141
  • Teléfono
  • +61-3-9849-6203 
  • Principal Sector
  • Materials 
  • Principal Industria
  • Industrial & Manufacturing 
  • Página Principal
  • www.ectltd.com.au
  • E:
  • adam.giles@ectltd.com.au

Más Resultados de Noticias

  • 2024/12/31: Change of Director's Interest Notice*
  • 2024/12/31: Notification of cessation of securities - ECT*
  • 2024/12/17: Reinstatement to Quotation*
  • 2024/12/17: Proposed issue of securities - ECT*
  • 2024/12/17: Notification regarding unquoted securities - ECT*
  • 2024/12/17: Proposed issue of securities - ECT*
  • 2024/12/17: COLDry Fertiliser JV Seed Funding & Working Capital Secured*
  • 2024/12/13: Voluntary Suspension Extension Request*
  • 2024/12/11: Suspension from Quotation*
  • 2024/12/09: Trading Halt*
*refer to company website

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