Gippsland Limited


Gippsland Limited (ASX:GIP) is an Australia-based company that is engaged in the exploration and development of mineral resources. During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2009 (fiscal 2009), the Company continued to focus on development of the Abu Dabbab tantalum/tin project in Egypt. As of September 18, 2009, it had interest in tenements, including Abu Dabbab, Nuweibi, Wadi Allaqi-Seiga, Wadi Allaqi-Shashoba, Wadi Allaqi-Haimur, Wadi Allaqi-Garayat, Wadi Allaqi-Koleit, Wadi Allaqi-Nile Valley A, Wadi Allaqi-Nile Valley E, Wadi Allaqi-Abu Swayel, Wadi Allaqi-Um Tiur, Adobha and Heemskirk (Tasmania). The Company’s gold exploration of the Wadi Allaqi area is located to the south-east of Aswan in Egypt. 

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Rapport du marché australien en date du 4 mars 2011: Winchester Resources (ASX:WCR) procède à une nouvelle expansion de son projet d'exploitation de manganèse Belu en Indonésie

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Le rapport du marché australien en date du 4 mars 2011 inclut les titres suivants: Winchester Resources Limited (ASX:WCR) élargit son projet d'exploitation de manganèse Belu en Indonésie; CBio Limited (ASX:CBZ) a obtenu le brevet "Chaperonin 10 Immunosuppression" du Bureau des Brevets japonais; Stellar Resources Limited (ASX:SRZ) a annoncé une ressource à haut grade, établie selon le code JORC, sur le projet d'exploitation d'étain Heemskirk; NuPower Resources Limited (ASX:NUP) a annoncé une estimation de ressources pour la concession Eva située dans la zone du projet Westmoreland.

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