Nova Minerals Limited (ASX:NVA) (FRA:QM3) is a Gold, Antimony and Critical Minerals exploration and development company focused on advancing the Estelle Project, comprised of 514 km2 of State of Alaska mining claims, which contains multiple mining complexes across a 35 km long mineralized corridor of over 20 advanced Gold and Antimony prospects, including two already defined multi-million ounce resources, and several drill ready Antimony prospects with massive outcropping stibnite vein systems observed at surface. The 85% owned project is located 150 km northwest of Anchorage, Alaska, USA, in the prolific Tintina Gold Belt, a province which hosts a >220 million ounce (Moz) documented gold endowment and some of the world's largest gold mines and discoveries including, Barrick's Donlin Creek Gold Project and Kinross Gold Corporation's Fort Knox Gold Mine. The belt also hosts significant Antimony deposits and was a historical North American Antimony producer.
Nova Minerals Limited
Nova Minerals Ltd (ASX:NVA) (OTCMKTS:NVAAF) menyediakan animasi 3D dari Proyek Estelle dan deposit sekitarnya di Alaska. Perusahaan telah menggambarkan hampir 10 juta ons emas dalam proyek dan mendekati status produsen emas Tingkat Satu.
Nova Minerals Limited (ASX:NVA) (FRA:QM3) (OTCMKTS:NVAAF) dengan bangga memberikan pembaruan tentang Sumber Daya Danau Salju (Danau Salju) yang dimiliki mayoritasnya, Proyek Lithium Thompson Brothers.
Laporan Pasar Australia 6 Oktober 2010 memuat: Program Eksplorasi Gardner Range dari Quantum Resources Limited (ASX:QUR) tengah dilaksanakan; Tissue Therapies Limited (ASX:TIS) mendapatkan Paten Utama Ketiga dari VitroGro(R) di Amerika Serikat; International Finance Corporation berkomitmen untuk berinvestasi lebih jauh pada Gryphon Minerals Limited (ASX:TIS); Hasil pengeboran dari Alkane Reseources Limited (ASX:ALK) memastikan adanya kontinuitas mineralisasi emas di New South Wales.
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