Odin Energy Limited


Odin Energy Limited (Odin) is engaged in the exploration for oil and gas in Australia in the Cooper Basin in South Australia. The Company controls one wholly owned operating subsidiary, Glory Run Pty Ltd. Odin has entered into a farmin agreement with Kompliment Pty Ltd (a subsidiary of Blue Energy Limited) (Kompliment) and Blue Energy Limited, under which Odin has farmed in to the rights of Kompliment to earn an interest in the Spinel Block of petroleum exploration licence (PEL) 106. 

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4월8일 호주 시장보고서: 시장 불안감 다시 엄습

🕔4/8/2009 1:00:38 PM 14351

어제 호주 증시는 RBA의 이자율 인하 발표 이후 하락세를 보였다. S&P/ASX200지수는 50.3포인트(1.3%) 하락한 3706.3를 기록했고, AO지수는 47.9포인트(1.3%)가 하락한 3648.9를 기록했다.

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