Times Ltd
HKG:1832 ISIN:KYG887821000
Times Ltd. is one the leading operators of hypermarkets in Eastern China. Since the establishment in 1997, Times has focused its foothold in Eastern China region, where the living standard and economic development are amongst the highest in China. As an established and recognised retail operator covering provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and Shandong and Shanghai Municipality, Times Ltd operated a large regional network of 67 retail outlets in 52 cities with retail gross floor area aggregating over 872,000 square meters. As at Feb 5, 2009, the company offer a range of merchandises to customers in three principal categories: fresh food and delicatessen, groceries and household supplies, and general household products and merchandise.

탄성을 잃어가는 경기회복에 활력을 불어넣기 위해 사상 최저의 이자율을 그대로 유지하겠다는 미 연방준비이사회의 결정 이후 방향을 찾지 못하던 미 증시는 결국 밤새 혼조세로 마감했다. 연준위의 낙관적인 경기전망으로 시장은 빠른 속도의 이자율 상승을 예상했었다.
52,764 회사 소개
- 검색 횟수: (지난 7일간: 22) (지난 30일간: 71) (게재 이후: 8012)