Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile  Magnetite Mines Ltd Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile

查看其它语言版本 FINANCE VIDEO: Royal Resources (ASX:ROY) MD Marcus Flis Presents to the Capital Markets in Sydney at 财经视频:Royal Resources (ASX:ROY)董事总经理Marcus Flis在悉尼Investorium.tv向资本市场发表演讲 財經視頻:Royal Resources (ASX:ROY)董事總經理Marcus Flis在悉尼Investorium.tv向資本市場發表演講 

Sydney, 2011年9月22日, (ABN Newswire) - 财经视频:Royal Resources (googlechartASX:ROY)董事总经理Marcus Flis日前在悉尼参加了Investorium.tv商务派对,向资本市场介绍了该公司在Razorback的磁铁矿项目。Razorback铁矿石项目极有可能蕴藏一个大型的磁铁矿矿藏,并有公共铁路和港口基础设施的使用权。

Flis先生拥有地质和地球物理学的双学位,在资源业经验丰富。他在勘探、资源界定和项目评估方面的从业经验超过27年,曾担任力拓公司铁矿石业务开发集团的项目总监,之前也曾在加拿大Hamersley铁矿石公司担任勘探经理,在Newcrest Mining Ltd担任地质经理。Flis先生在勘探方面经验丰富,十分了解存在于各种类型的矿产地形和地质形态内的各种矿物商品。


内容关于 Magnetite Mines Ltd

Magnetite Mines Limited (ASX:MGT) Magnetite Mines Limited (ASX:MGT) is a mineral exploration company exploring for iron ore and copper in South Australia and for iron, gold and uranium in the Northern Territory.

Our main focus is the Mawson Iron Project (MIP), a very large magnetite province located 240km NNE of Adelaide, South Australia - 100% owned and operated by Magnetite Mines Limited. The project has a JORC 2004 compliant resource of over 2.7 Billion tonnes (Indicated and Inferred) at the Razorback Ridge Deposit (Razorback) with an additional 1.2 Billion tonnes (Inferred) in the nearby Ironback Hill deposit. There remains up to a conservative 16 - 35 Billion tonnes as an exploration target at grades of 18 to 45% Fe. Razorback occurs in an infrastructure rich area that has access to nearby existing open user rail, port, power, gas, heavy engineering and dormitory towns. Presently a MOU between Magnetite Mines and Braemar Infrastructure exists for the implementation of an innovative slurry pipeline - infrastructure corridor to deliver iron ore concentrate from mine to ship in the Spencer Gulf. 


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