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YPB Group Limited (ASX:YPB) is pleased to announce the receipt of a further order of high security vital record documents in Mexico. The order, for the provision of 200,000 documents for the State of Campeche, is the third since the joint venture with Affyrmx was signed in February 2016.

The JV with Affyrmx is showing significant promise for YPB's government business division, where we offer a full range of high security products and solutions, which are designed to assist governments in combating the growing security threat posed by counterfeiters.

As previously announced, whilst for security reasons the full terms of these orders are commercial in confidence, such vital record documents typically have an order value of US$0.10 to US$0.30 per unit to the Government.

YPB's government business is developing well with these vital records contracts adding to the supply in late 2015 of our security technology to more than 20 million passports to two significant western Countries in multi-year supply contracts, followed up by the recently announced contract in S.E. Asia and with more in the current pipeline.

YPB Executive Chairman John Houston said: "We are delighted that the Affyrmx JV has so quickly provided a new revenue stream to YPB, and we are proud to have been selected to provide our third vital record order to Mexico. We believe this will be a growing and consistent revenue stream, which will not only be profitable, but also enhance YPB's reputation as a trusted source of anti-counterfeit solutions to the highest levels of Government."

To view the release, please visit:

About YPB Group Ltd




Mr. John Houston
T: +61-458-701-088

Mr. Robert Whitton
CFO and Company Secretary
T: +61-457-666-309


Link: YPB builds momentum in Mexican vital record documents

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