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YPB Group Ltd (ASX:YPB), has entered into a ten-year contract with an entity associated with Sachin Tendulkar to assist in developing YPB's business and presence in the Indian market. Sachin Tendulkar, one of the most recognised sportspersons in India and around the world, also acts as an ambassador for some of the world's most famous brands.


- Sachin Tendulkar promoted entity signs agreement with YPB

- Ten-year contract to underpin YPB's launch in India

Following on from this engagement YPB intends to develop sales and support presence in major cities across India as business opportunities arise.

India has a population of approximately 1.3 billion and is one of the world's fastest growing economies, having had an average GDP growth over the past 20 years of approximately 6%. India is an ideal geography for the YPB business, given its large and growing consumer market with opportunities both in product authenticity and customer engagement.

The initial Indian-based interest covers YPB Connect - the company's consumer engagement platform that leverages proximity technologies to allow businesses to engage with customers (B2C) based on time, location, product packaging and specific user characteristics. The richly featured platform encompasses near field communication (NFC), Bluetooth low energy (BLE) beacons, quick response codes (QR), image recognition (IR) and Wi-Fi technology offerings that form YPB's customer engagement (CONNECT) strategy around product authenticity.

Commenting on the association, Sachin Tendulkar said: "I am excited about this technology having witnessed its applications first hand. My team, along with YPB, are looking forward to this association and I believe in time to come the benefits of the technology will be felt by many brands across India and abroad."

YPB Chairman John Houston said: "Signing this agreement with Sachin Tendulkar and launching into India are major steps forward for YPB and we are proud of the association and excited about the prospects for our solutions to penetrate the Indian market."

To view the release, please visit:

About YPB Group Ltd




Mr. John Houston
T: +61-458-701-088

Mr. Robert Whitton
CFO and Company Secretary
T: +61-457-666-309


Link: YPB to launch in India

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YPB Group Ltd

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