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Future Producer of Neodymium & Praseodymium to the Permanent Magnet Industry

Hastings Technology Metals Ltd (ASX:HAS) provides the Company's latest Investor Presentation.

Hastings Equity Statistics

Steady growth in market cap since Jan 2014

- Market Cap ~ A$ 230m

- ~ 1200 Shareholders - +55% in 2017

- Top 10 shareholders owns 70%

- A$ 46m raised since 2014

- Zero Debt

Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) - Yangibana (see Note below)

Independent Study by Wave International and Snowden

- JORC resource of 21m tonnes supports an initial 8 years mine life on 100% held ground

- Maiden JORC Probable Ore Reserves of 5.15 million tonnes on 100% owned ground

- Highest known Neodymium & Praseodymium (Nd-Pr) content at 41% of TREO

- Mining 1m tonnes pa to produce up to 15,000 tonnes pa of Mixed Rare Earths Carbonate

- Nd-Pr metallurgical recovery 75.6% achieved in pilot test plant

- Financial Highlights:

o NPV (after tax) = A$466m at 8% discount rate

o IRR = 78%

o EBITDA payback of 2.3 years from average equity drawdown period

o Pre-production CAPEX - A$335m ; OPEX - A$17.06/kg TREO (US$12.8/kg)

- Significant scope to expand production and mine life beyond 8 years

Note: See ASX Announcement 28 November 2017

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About Hastings Technology Metals Ltd

Hastings Technology Metals Ltd (ASX:HAS) is advancing its Yangibana Rare Earths Project in the Upper Gascoyne Region of Western Australia towards production. The proposed beneficiation and hydro metallurgy processing plant will treat rare earths deposits, predominantly monazite, hosting high neodymium and praseodymium contents to produce a mixed rare earths carbonate that will be further refined into individual rare earth oxides at processing plants overseas.

Neodymium and praseodymium are vital components in the manufacture of permanent magnets which is used in a wide and expanding range of advanced and high-tech products including electric vehicles, wind turbines, robotics, medical applications and others. Hastings aims to become the next significant producer of neodymium and praseodymium outside of China.

Hastings holds 100% interest in the most significant deposits within the overall project, and 70% interest in additional deposits that will be developed at a later date, all held under Mining Leases. Numerous prospects have been identified warranting detailed exploration to further extend the life of the project.

Brockman Project

The Brockman deposit, near Halls Creek in Western Australia, contains JORC Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resources, estimated using the guidelines of JORC Code (2012 Edition).

The Company is also progressing a Mining Lease application over the Brockman Rare Earths and Rare Metals Project.

Hastings aims to capitalise on the strong demand for critical rare earths created by the expanding demand for new technology products.



Hastings Technology Metals Ltd

Link: Investor Presentation Update January 2018

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Hastings Technology Metals Ltd

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