LIBERTY RESOURCES is headquartered in Subiaco, Western Australia.

Liberty Resources (ASX:LBY) is pleased to announce the commencement of exploration drilling within the 100%owned Bowen Basin Coal tenement EPC 1949. The purpose of the exploration is to gain a thorough geological understanding of the resources within the EPC with a view to finalising all the data required to announce a JORC compliant (2012) resource statement.
Australia's superannuation funds have been urged to redirect as a priority, their investment attitudes and deposits into a higher participation in emerging new unconventional gas projects along Australia's east coast.
Liberty Resources (ASX:LBY) provides an opportunity for you to view our latest Investor Presentation, Unconventional Gas III, that was presented by Mr. Andrew Haythorpe at the Domestic Gas Outlook Conference today in Sydney.
Liberty Resources Limited (ASX:LBY) today opened the auction process for the sale of 18 exploration permits for coal. These tenements are located in the Surat Basin, Queensland. Liberty considers them surplus to requirements and accordingly is looking to sell them via an online auction.
Toro Energy Limited (ASX:TOE) (PINK:TOEYF) has executed a Memorandum of Understanding with U3O8 Limited (ASX:UTO) to acquire for A$6.2 million, 100% of the Dawson-Hinkler Well Uranium Project near Wiluna in Western Australia.
Clean Global Energy Limited (ASX:CGV) is pleased to release Quarterly Report for June 2010.
Carbon Energy Limited (ASX:CNX) releases June 2010 Quarterly Report.
Clean Global Energy Limited (ASX:CGV) releases Quarterly Activities Report for the period ending 31 March 2010.
Liberty Resources Limited (ASX:LBY) CEO Andrew Haythorpe speaks with Brian Carlton on the Underground Coal Gasification process and the future of Energy in Australia. Presenting at the Symposium Resources Roadshow in Sydney, Liberty presents the case for a new and cost effective energy solution for not only Australia's energy needs, but also a viable export market for those energy products to Asia.
ABN Newswire stocks to watch today include: Bauxite Resources Limited (ASX:BAU) (PINK:BXRDF), Liberty Resources Limited (ASX:LBY) and Environmental Clean Technologies Limited (ASX:ESI).