Rusina Mining Nl
A maiden JORC resource of 33 million tonnes of nickel laterite grading 0.95% nickel and 0.07% cobalt has been announced for the Acoje project in the Philippines being developed by Australia's Rusina Mining Limited (ASX: RML)(AIM: RMLA).
Rusina Mining Nl (ASX: RML) - Preliminary Nickel Limonite Resource Estimate - Mr Rob Gregory, MD; Boardroomradio is pleased to announce that Rusina Mining Nl (ASX: RML) has published an audio file.
A large continuous exploration drilling program to prove up one of Australasia's most promising nickel projects has been announced by Rusina Mining Limited (ASX: RUS).
RUSINA MINING NL (ASX: RML) - Outlook on Acoje's Chromite - Mr Robert Gregory, MD/CEO; Boardroomradio is pleased to announce that RUSINA MINING NL (ASX: RML) has published an audio file. The following
RUSINA MINING NL (ASX: RML) - Market Briefing - Mr Robert Gregory, MD/CEO; Boardroomradio is pleased to announce that RUSINA MINING NL (ASX: RML) has published an audio file. The following presentatio
A new platinum anomaly considered more significant than known existing mineralisation has been announced by Rusina Mining NL (ASX: RML) at its Acoje platinum and nickel sulphide project in the Philippines
Australian listed explorer, Rusina Mining NL (ASX: RML) has taken greater control over its Acoje platinum and nickel sulphide project in the Phillipines.
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