Pike River Coal Limited
Australian Market Report of September 15, 2010 includes: A second production target for immediate development identified by Modena Resources Limited (ASX:MDA), Blaze International Limited (ASX:BLZ) has expanded its strategic footprint around BHP Billiton's (ASX:BHP) giant Yeelirrie Uranium Deposit, Pike River Coal Limited (NZE:PRC) (PINK:PKRRF) announced the appointment of Peter Whittall as Chief Executive Officer and Vital Metals (ASX:VML) has identified new gold targets at its Doulnia Gold Project, through a high resolution aeromagnetic survey.
Pike River Coal Limited (NZE:PRC) (PINK:PKRRF) is pleased to announce the appointment of Peter W Whittall as Chief Executive Officer of the company, effective 2 October 2010.
Pike River Coal Limited (NZE:PRC) (PINK:PKRRF) advises that Gordon Ward, who has been CEO and Managing Director of the company since May 2007, will leave Pike River with effect from 1 October 2010.
Australian Market Report of September 6, 2010 includes; Lynas Corporation (ASX:LYC) significant increase in the Mineral Resource estimate for the deposit with elevated heavy Rare Earths oxides, Pike River Coal (NZE:PRC) second export shipment scheduled to depart Port of Lyttelton for India, Southern Uranium (ASX:SNU) has located new high-grade iron outcrops that further advance the iron ore prospects of the company and Jatoil Limited (ASX:JAT) entered into a Heads of Agreement to acquire significant coal assets in Kalimantan, Indonesia.
Pike River Coal Limited's (NZE:PRC) (PINK:PKRRF) second export shipment of approximately 20,000 tonnes of premium hard coking coal worth around $6 million is scheduled to depart Port of Lyttelton later today for India.
Pike River Coal Limited (NZE:PRC) (PINK:PKRRF) has commenced railing coal from its rail loadout facility at Ikamatua on the South Island's West Coast to the Port of Lyttelton in preparation for its second export shipment of premium hard coking coal.
Pike River Coal Limited (NZE:PRC) (PINK:PKRRF) is pleased to release quarterly report ended 30 June 2010.
Pike River Coal Limited (NZE:PRC) (PINK:PKRRF) welcomes the Government's new minerals initiatives and success in raising public awareness of the country's mineral wealth.
Pike River Coal Limited (NZE:PRC) (PINK:PKRRF) advises that its NZ$90 million capital raising has been successfully completed today.
Pike River Coal Limited (NZE:PRC) (PINK:PKRRF) has encouraged its investors to participate in the debate around the New Zealand Government's proposal to look at the mineral potential in some of its conservation land by lodging submissions in support of the Government's initiatives before the deadline of 26 May 2010.
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