Dragon Energy Limited (ASX:DLE) is pleased to release a revised Inferred Mineral Resource estimate recently prepared by Golder Associates Pty Ltd at the Rocklea Project comprising 62.7 million tonnes grading 53.41% Fe (60.39% calcined Fe) compared with the 2009 Inferred Mineral Resource of 63.1 million tonnes grading 53.38% Fe (60.37% calcined Fe). The revised Mineral Resource differs by less than 1% in total tonnes and for most analytes when compared to the 2009 resource calculation.
As reported in the June Quarterly Report, Dragon Energy Limited (ASX:DLE) made an in principle decision to pursue rapid development of its Pilbara Iron Project. To progress this initiative, Dragon is pleased to announce the appointment of GHD Pty Ltd as lead consultant for the scoping study of the Project. This study is expected to be completed in late September and will examine Dragon's options for developing the Project.
Dragon Energy Limited (ASX:DLE) is pleased to announce an Exploration Target of 140 to 190 Million tonnes at a grade of 48 to 52% Fe (54 to 56% calcined Fe) at the Company's 100% owned Nameless tenement in central Pilbara.
Dragon Energy Limited (ASX:DLE) is undertaking a pro rata non-renounceable entitlement issue of shares on the basis of one (1) New Share for every two (2) Shares held at the record date at an issue price of A$0.30 per New Share. The Company also undertaking a pro rata non-renounceable entitlement issue of New Options on the basis of one (1) New Option for every three (3) Shares held at the record date at an issue price of A$0.001 per Option. Together, the Share Entitlement Issue and Option Entitlement Issue will raise up to A$21.4 million.
Dragon Energy Ltd (ASX:DLE) is pleased to announce that it has completed the A$4.5m settlement payment for the Rocklea Project (E47/1024-I) in the Pilbara iron ore province and has assumed 100% title for the tenement. The payment was made to AusQuest Limited (ASX:AQD) and its Joint Venture partners on 19 January 2011. Under the agreement with the Vendor, the Company will make two additional payments.
Dragon Energy Limited (ASX:DLE) is pleased to release the following letter to Option holders, regarding non-renounceable share entitlement issue and option entitlement issue.
Dragon Energy Ltd (ASX:DLE) is pleased to announce an underwritten 1 for 2 non-renounceable rights issue to raise approximately A$21.35 million (Rights Issue). The Company will also undertake a 1 for 3 pro-rata non-renounceable entitlement issue of options (exercisable at A$0.35 each and expiring 18 November 2014) (New Options) to shareholders, to raise approximately A$47,460 (Option Entitlement Issue). Together, the Rights Issue and Option Entitlement Issue will raise up to A$21.4 million (the Offers).
Dragon Energy Ltd (ASX:DLE) is pleased to announce significant assay results from 100% owned E69/2126-I, which is the eastern tenement of the Lee Steere Project in the Eastern Nabberu Basin, about 200km northeast of Wiluna.
Australian Market Report of October 15, 2010 includes: Dragon Energy Limited (ASX:DLE) announces manganese and iron discoveries in Western Australia; Korab Resources Limited (ASX:KOR) discovered rare earth oxide mineralisation in the Northern Territory; Icon Resources Limited (ASX:III) reported 68,800 tonnes of tungsten trioxide in north Queensland; Guildford Coal Limited (ASX:GUF) has commenced drilling on Maryborough Hard Coking Coal Project in Queensland.
US shares fell on Thursday as the services sector index declined unexpectedly in November. The contraction also hurt sentiment ahead of the release of unemployment figure.