Genesis Minerals Limited
Asian Activities Report for March 24, 2011 includes: Paramount Mining Corporation Limited (ASX:PCP) has signed a comprehensive Memorandum of Understanding with PT Antam (Persero) Tbk (ASX:ATM) for potential coal joint venture projects in Indonesia; Genesis Minerals Limited (ASX:GMD) is to raise A$1.845 million to fund the Dinamarquesa and Cerro Verde Projects in Chile; Aphrodite Gold Project (ASX:AQQ) announced an upgraded resource of 1,033,000 ounces gold at the Aphrodite Gold Project in Western Australia; Avalon Minerals Limited (ASX:AVI) reported significant high grade copper intersections from Viscaria Copper-Iron Project in Sweden.
Australian Market Report of January 18, 2011 includes: Kidman Resources Limited (ASX:KDR) reported encouraging rare earth results in the Northern Territory; Adamus Resources Limited (ASX:ADU) announced the pouring of its first gold bar from the Nzema Gold Project in Ghana; Triton Gold Limited (ASX:TON) has launched its 2011 gold exploration programmes in Western Australia; Genesis Minerals Limited (ASX:GMD) intersected high grade gold mineralisation in Chile.
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