The Sophisticated Investor

The Sophisticated Investor

The Sophisticated Investor is a new equity investment tool which seeks to assist investors in becoming more informed in their investment decision making. We show and tell investors about a company in a series of short, informative videos. We possess specialist equity analyst skills and are complemented by video professionals. We conduct site visits and interview management, in a way most investors simply aren’t able to access. We promote long term value creation for investors by employing detailed financial analysis and intrinsic value calculations.

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Adam Kiley trading as The Sophisticated Investor ('TSI'), (AR No. 458224), is an authorised representative of Intelligent Financial Markets Pty Ltd (AFSL No. 426359). The information contained in this communication is intended as general advice only. Your personal objectives, financial situation and needs have not been taken into consideration. Accordingly, you should consider how appropriate the advice is (or is not) to your objectives, financial situation and needs before acting on the advice. The information in this communication should not be the only trigger for your investment decision. We strongly recommend you seek professional financial advice whenever making financial investment decisions.

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TSI does and seeks to do business with companies featured in its articles and videos. As a result, investors should be aware that TSI may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of some articles or videos. Investors should consider TSI articles and videos as only a single factor in making any investment decision. The publishers also wish to disclose that they may hold stock in some companies featured in their articles and videos, and that any decision you make to purchase the stock of a company TSI profiles should be made only after you have initiated your own enquiries as to the validity of any information contained in those articles and videos.

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TSI will only initiate coverage of a company that passes our internal investment checklist. Once a company has passed this checklist, we will initiate coverage of that company and follow up with ongoing updates and commentary on its activities. Articles and videos produced and published by TSI are NOT Research Reports in terms of ASIC Regulatory Guide 79.




FINANCE VIDEO: Geopacific Resources Ltd (ASX:GPR) Management Update

🕔7/9/2018 4:14:47 PM 15047

Geopacific Resources (ASX:GPR) (OTCMKTS:GPACF) is developing the Woorlark gold project in Papua New Guinea. The company released a positive PFS for the project earlier this year which outlined the Woodlark Project is a robust, low-cost, low stripping ratio, open pit gold project that can deliver an average of 100Koz Au per annum over an initial 10 year mine life.

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FINANCE VIDEO: Superior Lake Resources Ltd (ASX:SUP) Maiden Zinc Resource Exceeds Expectations

🕔7/4/2018 2:13:34 PM 12648

Superior Lake Resources (ASX:SUP) has announced a maiden JORC resource for its Superior Lake Zinc Project in Ontario, Canada that ranks it as one of the highest-grade zinc projects in the world.

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FINANCE VIDEO: Castillo Copper Ltd (ASX:CCZ) Re-Discovering High Grade Copper in Australia

🕔6/20/2018 8:22:29 AM 17566

Castillo Copper Limited (ASX:CCZ) is exploring the high grade Cangai copper project in New South Wales. The project was mined more than 100 years ago, which saw exceptionally high-grade copper (13% Cu) mined, as well as silver and gold credits.

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FINANCE VIDEO: Superior Lake Resources Ltd (ASX:SUP) Developing Canada's Highest Grade Zinc Project

🕔6/5/2018 1:01:42 PM 19430

Superior Lake Resources (ASX:SUP) recently acquired the Superior Lake zinc project in Canada. It was the country's highest-grade zinc operation (3.5 Mt at 14% Zn, 1% Cu) for a decade before closing in 1998 as a result of ongoing low zinc prices. Any exploration work since has been limited, due to the continued low zinc price and the project's fragmented ownership.

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FINANCE VIDEO: Australian Potash Ltd (ASX:APC) Management Update

🕔5/23/2018 11:16:38 AM 18076

Australian Potash (ASX:APC) is developing the Lake Wells SOP Potash Project in Western Australia. The company recently raised $3m as they advance the project towards a Definitive Feasibility Study later this year. In addition, drilling is underway at their Yamarna gold project in Western Australia, which is to the north of Gold Road (ASX:GOR) and Gold Fields 5.8Moz Au Yamarna gold project.

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FINANCE VIDEO: Tesserent Ltd (ASX:TNT) Strong Existing Revenue Drives Future Growth in Cyber Security

🕔2/23/2018 10:28:47 AM 19868

Tesserent Limited (ASX:TNT) an ASX-listed company, provides cyber security services ('Managed Security as a Service' or SECaaS) to a range of highly regarded Australian and international corporate clients. TSI estimates that Tesserent is on track to generate revenue of around $6 million this financial year.

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FINANCE VIDEO: Australian Potash Ltd (ASX:APC) Drilling to Commence Shortly at Yamarna Gold Project as Lake Wells Continues to Take Shape

🕔2/14/2018 9:43:22 AM 20432

Australian Potash (ASX:APC) will commence drilling at its Yamara gold project shortly. The project lies 130 km northeast of Laverton, in Western Australia's eastern goldfields region. APC's tenements cover around 1,400 km2 contiguous to the North Yamarna gold project of Gold Road Resources Ltd and 60 km northwest of the 6 million ounce (Moz) Gruyere mine development.

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FINANCE VIDEO: Geopacific Resources Ltd (ASX:GPR) Near Term Catalysts to Shape Woodlark

🕔2/2/2018 9:45:14 AM 19939

We recently interviewed Geopacific Resources (ASX:GPR) (OTCMKTS:GPACF) for an update on their Woodlark Gold Project in Papua New Guinea. Topics discussed included.

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FINANCE VIDEO: New Century Resources (ASX:NCZ) Increased Resource Paves the Way for Hard Rock Mining to Recommence

🕔1/19/2018 12:36:00 PM 18659

New Century Resources (ASX:NCZ) has released an initial resource for its South Block deposit, part of the Century Zinc operation in Queensland. Highlights of the announcement include the following.

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VIDEO: Boss Resources (ASX:BOE) Site Visit To Honeymoon Uranium Project

🕔1/16/2018 10:16:38 AM 16822

Boss Resources is developing the Honeymoon uranium project in South Australia. this is a virtual site trip reviewing the existing infrastructure, the planned extraction technique, the processing methodology and the proposed export route

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