Uranium One, Inc.


Uranium One, Inc., formerly SXR Uranium One Inc., is engaged in the mining and production of uranium, and in the acquisition, exploration and development of properties for the production of uranium, in Kazakhstan, South Africa, United States, Australia and Canada. Uranium One also owns a 67% interest in Afl ease Gold Limited (Afl ease Gold), which is engaged in the development of the Modder East Gold Project in South Africa. Uranium One owns a 70% interest in both the producing Akdala Uranium Mine and the South Inkai Uranium Project and it is developing the Kharasan Project in Kazakhstan, in which it owns a 30% interest. The Company also owns the Dominion Uranium Project in South Africa; projects in the Powder River and Great Divide Basins in Wyoming, the Hobson ISR Uranium Processing Facility and La Palangana ISR Project in Texas and the Shootaring Mill in Utah, the Honeymoon Uranium Project in Australia. Uranium One acquired UrAsia Energy Limited on April 20, 2007. 



アジア市場概観 2月12日

🕔2/12/2009 4:00:12 PM 18730

米国の銀行支援のための修正案を背景にウォール街において大規模な売り払いが行われたことを受けて、昨日のアジア市場は全体的に値を下げて取引を終えた。日本の市場は祝日のため閉場であった。香港のハンセン指数は2.5%減、韓国の Kospi は0.7%減となった。


60,923 会社概要の閲覧回数

  • 日本語ページ閲覧回数: (過去7日間: 15) (過去30日間: 83) (発行以降: 10583) 


  • 材料 
  • 主要業種
  • エネルギー 
  • ホームページ
  • www.uranium1.com