Jameson Resources Limited Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile
Jameson Resources Limited (ASX:JAL) Test Work Confirms Export Quality Thermal Coal At The Basin Project
Jameson Resources Limited (ASX:JAL) Test Work Confirms Export Quality Thermal Coal At The Basin Project

Perth, Sep 18, 2009 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Jameson Resources Limited (ASX:JAL) is pleased to announce analytical test work from the trenching program at the Basin Coal Mine ("Basin" or the "Project") in British Columbia has been completed.

Norwest Corporation ("Norwest") will be utilising the results from the washability and other tests undertaken to assist in the plant design as part of the recommissioning study, now anticipated to be completed early in the 4th quarter.


Coal quality test work from the trenching campaign across the main seam within the currently exposed pit has now been completed.

All samples were sent to Birtley Coal and Minerals Testing Laboratories in Calgary ("Birtley").

Coal quality test work included proximate and ultimate analysis, screen size analysis, washability, liberation, and composite analysis.

Norwest has composited the washability results obtained during the 2009 trenching program to achieve a simulated Run-of-Mine (ROM) material. In addition to the compositing, liberation test work undertaken by Birtley has shown positive yield benefits are achievable.

In addition to the assessment of the thermal coal product, preliminary evaluation is being undertaken to assess the marketability of the Basin coal as a potential PCI blend. The Company has retained the services of a leading independent expert in assessing metallurgical coal quality and marketability.


Norwest is now in the final stages of the re-commissioning study on the Basin Coal mine. Mine designs and schedules for the 250,000tpa operation are now being finalised. Bids from mining contractors will be sought on completion of the proposed mining schedules.

Results from the coal quality test work are now being used for the coal process plant design.

The wash plant will be designed to produce a clean coal product at 12% ash from ROM material at approximately 36% ash.

The Company is awaiting permitting approval to undertake a diamond drilling and trenching program to the north of the existing open pit. Drilling contractors have been engaged to commence the program. Results from this program will be utilised to quantify reserves from the currently defined 123Mt raw coal resource base for the proposed 1Mtpa staged expansion. Prefeasibility studies on the 1 Mtpa expansion are being undertaken in parallel with the recommissioning study.

It is anticipated that the Company will be in production at the permitted capacity within 12 months of decision to mine.

For the complete Jameson Resources ASX Announcement, please click the link below:



John Holmes
Managing Director
Tel: +61-8-9200-4473

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