Discovery Metals Limited (ASX:DML) AIM Release
21 August 2008
Plutus Resource drilling INTERCEPTS MULTIPLE HIGH GRADE intersections

*          37 drill holes located within the existing Plutus prospect
  Inferred Mineral Resource envelope returned very encouraging
  results including (all at 0.3% Cu cut off):
§  Hole PSRD255   6.9 metres @ 2.7 % Cu & 20.6g/t Ag
§  Hole PSRD242   4.3 metres @ 2.7 % Cu & 28.2g/t Ag
§  Hole PSRD257   9.6 metres @ 1.9 % Cu & 22.5g/t Ag, including
3.6 metres @ 4.3 %Cu & 56.8 g/t Ag
§  Hole PSRD229   5 metres @ 2.3 % Cu & 23.8g/t Ag
§  Hole PSRD254   8.7 metres @ 1.7 % Cu & 15.8g/t Ag
§  Hole PSDD253   4 metres@ 1.8 % Cu & 13.3g/t Ag, and
5 metres @ 2.0 % Cu & 35.4g/t Ag
§  Hole PSRD271   7.8 metres @ 1.6 % Cu & 17.7g/t Ag
*          2 drill holes confirm the continuity of the Plutus
  mineralisation to the south west of the existing resource
*          Infill drilling completed to  200 metre sections along
*          High grade intercepts reported outside the existing Plutus
  pit shell
Plutus Drill Results
Discovery Metals Limited (ASX/BSE: "DML") (AIM: "DME") announces
results from the latest thirty nine infill and resource extension
drill holes (Table 1), all drilled within the Plutus prospect at the
company's 100% owned Boseto copper project (Figure 1) in north west
Botswana. These results will be incorporated into the current
Bankable Feasibility Study targeted for completion mid 2009.

The Plutus prospect currently contains an inferred mineral resource
of 14.5Mt @ 1.3% Cu and 13 g/t Ag at a cut off of 0.6% Cu and along
with the Zeta and Petra prospects forms the current resource base for
Boseto Copper project (100% owned) which currently has a total
Inferred and Indicated Mineral Resource of 49.1Mt @ 1.2% Cu (Figure
The infill results confirm the continuity of mineralisation over the
Plutus resource and reinforce previous results indicating that high
grade areas displaying grades well in excess of the average resource
grade are present within the Plutus resource. These higher grade
zones have the potential to enhance the Pre Feasibility outcomes
which recently confirmed the economic and technical robustness of the
Boseto Copper project.
Discovery Metals' Managing Director, Mr Brad Sampson said, "These
 latest drill results are very exciting as they demonstrate the
continuity of mineralisation, and tenor of grade within the Plutus
prospect. We have now completed drilling across the existing Plutus
resource area at a drill hole section spacing averaging 200m and are
now well positioned to complete a new, higher quality, resource
model, with more closely spaced data covering a longer strike length
than the previous 2007 resource model."
"Plutus is a significant part of the total mineral resource at
Boseto, and the recently completed Pre Feasibility Study did not
consider any of the 75  holes drilled at Plutus since the last
resource model was announced  in December 2007", he added
Figure 3 sets  out a selection  of drill hole  results at the  Plutus
prospect.  Three cross sections marked  on Figure 3 are displayed  in
Figures 4, 5 and 6 respectively.

Boseto Project Background

Boseto Project Background

Discovery Metals' Boseto Copper Project (100% owned), is located in
north west Botswana, within the district of Ngamiland, approximately
80km south-west of the town of Maun.  A seven tenement package of
6,400km2 was granted to Discovery Metals in September 2005 and
fieldwork on this tenement package commenced late in October 2005.
The outer limit of the exploration licence area starts approximately
60km south west of Maun and stretches in a south westerly direction
for approximately 200km towards the town of Ghanzi.  In June 2008,
Discovery Metals was granted a further seven tenements extending from
the south west boundary of the 2005 granted tenements through to the
Namibian border, adding 5,700km2 to the area held under prospecting
licenses to bring the total tenement area to 12,100 km2.
The Boseto Copper  Project is  located within a  belt of  significant
copper-silver mineralisation  that extends  from the  well known  and
more highly developed Zambian Copper Belt across north west  Botswana
and into Namibia.  The poorly explored portion of this belt in  north
west Botswana is known as the Kalahari Copper Belt.
Copper occurs  predominantly in  chalcocite,  with minor  amounts  of
bornite and  other  copper  sulphides present.   At  shallow  depths,
malachite exists in significant proportions within some areas of  the
mineral resource.
A Pre Feasibility Study for  the Boseto Copper Project was  completed
on time and on  budget in July 2008.   Discovery Metals is  currently
undertaking a  Bankable  Feasibility  Study  for  the  Boseto  Copper
Project which is targeted for completion mid 2009.
Competent Persons Statement
The information in this report as it relates to the Plutus and  Petra
Mineral Resources for the  Boseto Copper project  was compiled by  Mr
Stefan  Mujdrica  and  Mr  Jason  Hosken,  who  are  Members  of  The
Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.  Mr Mujdrica and  Mr
Hosken  are   full  time   employees  of   Snowden  Mining   Industry
Consultants.  Mr Mujdrica has sufficient experience which is relevant
to  the  style   of  mineralisation   and  type   of  deposit   under
consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to  qualify
as a  Competent  Person  as  defined  in  the  2004  Edition  of  the
"Australasian Code  for  Reporting of  Exploration  Results,  Mineral
Resources and Ore  Reserves". The  information in this  report as  it
relates to the Zeta Mineral Resources for the  Boseto Copper  project
was compiled  by Mr  Ferdinando  Camisani, who  is an  Honorary  Life
Fellow of The  South African  Institute of Mining  and Metallurgy,  a
recognised overseas  professional  organisation. Mr  Camisani  is  an
Associate  of  A&B  Global  Mining.   Mr  Camisani   has   sufficient
experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and  type
of deposit  under  consideration and  to  the activity  which  he  is
undertaking to qualify as a Competent  Person as defined in the  2004
Edition of  the  "Australasian  Code  for  Reporting  of  Exploration
Results, Mineral  Resources and  Ore Reserves".   The information  in
this  report  that  relates  to  Exploration  Results  is  based   on
information compiled by  Mr Fred  Nhiwatiwa who  is a  Member of  the
Australasian Institute of  Mining and Metallurgy.  Mr Nhiwatiwa is  a
full-time employee  of  the  company. Mr  Nhiwatiwa   has  sufficient
experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and  type
of deposit  under  consideration and  to  the activity  which  he  is
undertaking to qualify as a Competent  Person as defined in the  2004
Edition of  the  "Australasian  Code  for  Reporting  of  Exploration
Results,  Mineral  Resources  and  Ore  Reserves".  Mr  Mujdrica,  Mr
Camisani and Mr Nhiwatiwa consent to  the inclusion in the report  of
the matters based on information provided by them and in the form and
context in which it appears.

Table 1

                 Northing                                                Results
                   (m)     Easting          Total Min.    Min.          over down
 Hole   Prospect  WGS84   (m) WGS84 Dip/Azi Depth  From      To (m)       hole
                  SUTM34   SUTM34            (m)    (m)                 Thickness
                                                                        (0.3% Cu
                                                                       4 metres @
                                                       38           42 1.8 % Cu &
                                                                       13.3g/t Ag
                                                                       3 metres @
                                                       38           41  2.3 %Cu &
                                                                       16.3 g/t Ag
                                                                       5 metres @
PSDD253  Plutus  704197.8 7727082.5 -60° to 58.4       45           50 2.0 % Cu &
                                     140°                              35.4g/t Ag
                                                                       2 metres @
                                                       45           47  3.4 %Cu &
                                                                       31.5 g/t Ag
                                                                        1 metre @
                                                       49           50  1.2% Cu &
                                                                       21.0 g/t Ag
PSDD256 Plutus   704319.8  7727161  -60° to 49.6       33           35 2 metres @
                                     140°                               0.6 % Cu
                                                                       4.9 metres
                                                       50         54.9 @ 1.8 % Cu
                                                                        & 15.6g/t
PSDD276  Plutus   705435  7727890.5 -60° to 61.9                           Ag
                                     140°                               including
                                                                       1.9 metres
                                                       53         54.9 @ 3.7 %Cu &
                                                                       29.9 g/t Ag
                                                                       5 metres @
                                                       35           40 1.2 % Cu &
                                    -60° to                            13.4g/t Ag
PSDD278  Plutus  705026.2  7727618   140°   46.6                        including
                                                                       4 metres @
                                                       36           40  1.4 %Cu &
                                                                       15.3 g/t Ag
                                    -60° to                            3 metres @
PSRD224 Plutus   702411.8  7725840   140°   50.7       45           48 0.4 % Cu &
                                                                        1.3g/t Ag
                                                                       5 metres @
                                                      101          106 2.3 % Cu &
                                    -60° to                            23.8g/t Ag
PSRD229  Plutus  702773.9 7726176.5  140°   112.3                       including
                                                                        1 metre @
                                                      105          106  8.5 %Cu &
                                                                       88.0 g/t Ag
                                                                       6.4 metres
                                                       54         60.4 @ 1.1 % Cu
                                                                       & 9.9g/t Ag
                                                                        1 metre @
PSRD230  Plutus  702807.8  7726138  -60° to 67.5       56           57  1.4 %Cu &
                                     140°                              8.0 g/t Ag
                                                                       1.4 metres
                                                       59         60.4 @ 3.1 % Cu
                                                                       & 22.0 g/t
                                                                       5 metres @
                                                       29           34 1.5 % Cu &
                                    -60° to                            12.0g/t Ag
PSRD231  Plutus  702828.1  7726115   140°   40.3                        including
                                                                       2 metres @
                                                       32           34 2.6 % Cu &
                                                                       20.0 g/t Ag
                                                                       8 metres @
                                                       45           53 1.0 % Cu &
                                    -60° to                             9.4g/t Ag
PSRD234  Plutus  703008.8 7726281.5  140°   85.6                        including
                                                                       3 metres @
                                                       50           53  1.7 %Cu &
                                                                       15.7 g/t Ag
                                                                       7.1 metres
                                                       85         92.1 @ 0.75 % Cu
                                                                        & 7.61g/t
PSRD238  Plutus  701976.6  7725563  -60° to  120                           Ag
                                     140°                               including
                                                                       2.1 metres
                                                       87         89.1 @ 1.7 %Cu &
                                                                       22.4 g/t Ag
                                                                       6.3 metres
                                                       40         46.3 @ 1.2 % Cu
                                                                        & 13.9g/t
PSRD240  Plutus   703307  7726483.5 -60° to 76.6                           Ag
                                     140°                               including
                                                                       4.3 metres
                                                       42         46.3 @ 1.4 %Cu &
                                                                       15.7 g/t Ag

                 Northing                                              Results
                   (m)     Easting          Total Min.    Min.        over down
 Hole   Prospect  WGS84   (m) WGS84 Dip/Azi Depth  From      To (m)     hole
                  SUTM34   SUTM34            (m)    (m)               thickness
                                                                     Cu cut-off)
                                                                     5.2 metres
                                                       74       79.2 @ 1.3 % Cu
                                                                      & 16.4g/t
PSRD241  Plutus  703281.1  7726515  -60° to 85.4                         Ag
                                     140°                             including
                                                                     3.2 metres
                                                       76       81.2 @ 1.5 %Cu &
                                                                     14.8g/t Ag
                                                                     4.3 metres
                                                      121      125.3 @ 2.6 % Cu
                                                                      & 28.2g/t
PSRD242  Plutus  703366.5  7726592  -60° to 133.5                        Ag
                                     140°                             including
                                                                     2.3 metres
                                                      123      125.3 @ 4.3 %Cu &
                                                                     47.1 g/t Ag
                                                                     10 metres @
                                                       51         61 1.5 % Cu &
                                    -60° to                          13.5g/t Ag
PSRD243  Plutus  703462.8  7726613   140°   67.5                      Including
                                                                     5 metres @
                                                       56         61  2.3 %Cu &
                                                                     25.2 g/t Ag
                                                                     15.3 metres
                                                       38       53.3 @ 0.7 % Cu
                                                                     & 6.6g/t Ag
                                    -60° to                           1 metre @
PSRD244  Plutus  703603.1  7726696   140°   61.5       43         44 1.1 % Cu &
                                                                     3.0 g/t Ag
                                                                     2 metres @
                                                       50         52 % 2.0 Cu &
                                                                     31.5 g/t Ag
                                    -60° to                          7 metres @
PSRD245  Plutus  703581.9 7726722.5  140°   118.5      79         86 0.4 % Cu &
                                                                      7.1g/t Ag
                                    -60° to                          8 metres @
PSRD246  Plutus  703551.4  7726759   140°   139.3     123        131 0.6 % Cu &
                                                                      3.5g/t Ag
                                                                     7 metres @
                                                       43         50 1.0 % Cu &
                                    -60° to                           8.7g/t Ag
PSRD247  Plutus  703771.1 7726805.5  140°   57.8                      Including
                                                                     2 metres @
                                                       48         50  2.0 %Cu &
                                                                     28.0 g/t Ag
                                                                     9 metres @
                                                       72         81 1.2 % Cu &
                                    -60° to                           9.8g/t Ag
PSRD248  Plutus  703749.9  7726831   140°   91.6                      including
                                                                     5 metres @
                                                       75         80  1.8 %Cu &
                                                                     17.2 g/t Ag
                                                                     6 metres @
                                                      117        123 1.5 % Cu &
                                    -60° to                           9.8g/t Ag
PSRD249  Plutus  703720.7 7726865.5  140°   154.5                     including
                                                                     2.3 metres
                                                      120      122.3 @ 3.6 %Cu &
                                                                     21.0 g/t Ag
                                                                     6 metres @
                                                       43         49 1.3 % Cu &
                                    -60° to                          10.5g/t Ag
PSRD250  Plutus  703894.6  7726882   140°   58.3                      including
                                                                     3 metres @
                                                       46         49  2.4 %Cu &
                                                                     20.7 g/t Ag
                                                                     8 metres @
                                                       39         47 1.7 % Cu &
                                    -60° to                          18.1g/t Ag
PSRD251  Plutus  704066.1  7726995   140°   79.3                      including
                                                                     4 metres @
                                                       43         47 2.96 %Cu &
                                                                     31.8 g/t Ag

                 Northing  Easting          Total Min.                 Results over
 Hole   Prospect   (m)    (m) WGS84 Dip/Azi Depth  From   Min.          down hole
                  WGS84    SUTM34            (m)    (m)      To (m)     thickness
                  SUTM34                                                      (0.3%
                                                                       Cu cut-off)
                                                                        2 metres @
                                                       58           60  1.0 % Cu &
                                                                       16.0 g/t Ag
                                                                        1 metres @
                                                       59           60  1.1 %Cu &
                                                                       18.0 g/t Ag
                                                                       5.5 metres @
PSRD252  Plutus   704045  7727016.5 -60° to 77.1       65         70.5  1.4 % Cu &
                                     140°                               17.1g/t Ag
                                                                        1 metre @
                                                       66           67  1.2 %Cu &
                                                                        6.0 g/t Ag
                                                                       1.5 metres @
                                                       69         70.5  3.6 %Cu &
                                                                       51.7 g/t Ag
                                                                       8.7 metres @
                                                      116        124.7  1.7 % Cu &
                                    -60° to                             15.8g/t Ag
PSRD254  Plutus  704015.5  7727054   140°   130.4                       including
                                                                       6.7 metres @
                                                      118        124.7  2.0 %Cu &
                                                                       20.1 g/t Ag
                                                                         2 metres
                                                       70           72 @0.9 % Cu &
                                                                        1.0 g/t Ag
                                                                        1 metres @
                                                       71           72  1.2 %Cu &
PSRD255  Plutus  704174.8  7727108  -60° to 115.4                       2.0 g/t Ag
                                     140°                              6.9 metres @
                                                       77         83.9  2.7 % Cu &
                                                                        20.6g/t Ag
                                                                       5.9 metres @
                                                       78         83.9  3.1 %Cu &
                                                                       24.0 g/t Ag
                                                                       9.6 metres @
                                                      120        129.6  1.9 % Cu &
                                    -60° to                             22.5g/t Ag
PSRD257  Plutus  704146.9 7727144.5  140°   136.5                       including
                                                                       3.6 metres @
                                                      126        129.6  4.3 %Cu &
                                                                       56.8 g/t Ag
                                                                        6 metres @
                                                       36           42  0.7 % Cu &
                                    -60° to                             4.7g/t Ag
PSRD258  Plutus  704445.1  7727241   140°   46.1                        including
                                                                        1 metre @
                                                       41           42  2.3 %Cu &
                                                                       26.0 g/t Ag
                                                                       5.9 metres @
                                                       75         80.9  2.6 % Cu &
                                    -60° to                             21.5g/t Ag
PSRD259  Plutus  704422.8  7727266   140°   88.2                        including
                                                                       2.9 metres @
                                                       78         80.9  4.6 %Cu &
                                                                       40.7 g/t Ag
                                    -60° to                            3.6 metres @
PSRD260  Plutus  704393.9 7727299.5  140°   121.5     112        115.6  0.9 % Cu &
                                                                        6.4g/t Ag
                                                                        6 metres @
                                                       28           34  0.7 % Cu &
                                    -60° to                             6.8g/t Ag
PSRD261  Plutus  704616.7  7727344   140°   64.6                        including
                                                                        1 metre @
                                                       31           32  1.1 %Cu &
                                                                       16.0 g/t Ag

                 Northing                                                Results
                   (m)     Easting          Total Min.    Min.          over down
 Hole   Prospect  WGS84   (m) WGS84 Dip/Azi Depth  From      To (m)       hole
                  SUTM34   SUTM34            (m)    (m)                 thickness
                                                                        (0.3% Cu
                                                                       5.5 metres
                                                       73         78.5 @ 0.6 % Cu
                                                                       & 5.6g/t Ag
                                                                        1 metre @
PSRD262  Plutus  704591.3  7727373  -60° to  87                        11.4 % Cu &
                                     140°                              11.0 g/t Ag
                                                                       1.5 metres
                                                                       @ 1.1 % Cu
                                                                       & 13.0 g/t
                                    -60° to                            7 metres @
PSRD263 Plutus   704566.9  7727407   140°   124.5     112          119 0.5 % Cu &
                                                                       3.1 g/t Ag
                                    -60° to                            8 metres @
PSRD264 Plutus   704741.3  7727436   140°   52.5       35           43 0.5 % Cu &
                                                                        3.8g/t Ag
                                                                       10.1 metres
                                                      123        133.1 @ 0.9 % Cu
                                                                        & 8.3 g/t
PSRD265  Plutus  704690.7 7727497.5 -60° to 136.7                          Ag
                                     140°                               including
                                                                       4.1 metres
                                                      129        133.1 @ 1.6 %Cu &
                                                                       17.0 g/t Ag
                                                                       6.7 metres
                                                       29         35.7 @ 0.7 % Cu
                                    -60° to                            & 5.1g/t Ag
PSRD266  Plutus  704869.9 7727515.5  140°   40.6                        including
                                                                        1 metre @
                                                       34           35  2.3 %Cu &
                                                                       19.0 g/t Ag
                                                                       6 metres @
                                                       62           68 1.0 % Cu &
                                    -60° to                            12.7g/t Ag
PSRD270  Plutus  705007.3 7727645.5  140°   76.6                        including
                                                                       4 metres @
                                                       64           68  1.3 %Cu &
                                                                       17.0 g/t Ag
                                                                       7.8 metres
                                                      109        116.8 @ 1.6 % Cu
                                                                        & 17.7g/t
PSRD271  Plutus  704977.1  7727677  -60° to  151                           Ag
                                     140°                               including
                                                                       2.8 metres
                                                      114        116.8 @ 3.5 %Cu &
                                                                       40.8 g/t Ag
                                                                       6 metres @
                                                       81           87 1.1 % Cu &
                                                                       11.8g/t Ag
                                    -60° to                             1 metre @
PSRD272  Plutus  705130.1 7727726.5  140°   94.4       81           82  1.1 %Cu &
                                                                       9.0 g/t Ag
                                                                       3 metres @
                                                       84           87 1.7 % Cu &
                                                                       20.7 g/t Ag
                                                                       5.4 metres
                                                       81         86.4 @ 1.2 % Cu
                                                                        & 13.4g/t
PSRD274  Plutus  705255.3 7727811.5 -60° to 94.5                           Ag
                                     140°                               including
                                                                       3.4 metres
                                                       83         86.4 @ 1.6 %Cu &
                                                                       18.1 g/t Ag

For further information on this release and Discovery Metals Limited
                     generally, please contact:
Brad Sampson  Managing Director  Ph: +61 7 3218 0200  or  Mob: +61 4
                             38 771 037
 AIM Nominated Advisor - RFC Corporate Finance Limited, Contact Rob
                    Adamson  Ph: +61 2 9250 0000
AIM Broker - Fox-Davies Capital, Contact Richard Hail Ph: +44 20 7936
Australian PR - BBS, Contact Gerard Reilly Ph +61 (7) 3221 6711 Email
UK PR -  Conduit PR  Contact Jane Stacey/Jos  Simson Ph  +44 20  7429
6606/ +44 79 2292 3306

NOTE:    For further information contact
Tel: +617 3218
Mobile: 0438 771

Rob Adamson
RFC Corporate Finance Ltd (Nomad)
Tel: +612 9250 0000

Richard Hail
Fox-Davies Capital Ltd (AIM Broker)
Telephone: +44(0) 20 7936 5200

Further information on the Company is available on its website:



Discovery Metals Limited

ISIN: AU000000DML9

Stock Identifier: AIMX.DME

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