Coventry Resources Limited (ASX:CVY) Up to 289 g/t Gold Returned from Drilling at Cameron Project
Coventry Resources Limited (ASX:CVY) Up to 289 g/t Gold Returned from Drilling at Cameron Project

Perth, Oct 20, 2011 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Coventry Resources Limited (googlechartASX:CVY) is pleased to advise that it has received analytical results for 34 of the 35 outstanding holes (5,947 metres) drilled in the recently completed drilling program at the Cameron Gold Project in Ontario, Canada. This program comprised a total of 299 holes for 44,135 metres.

All of the drill holes reported in this announcement were drilled to evaluate the northern and northwestern extensions of the +1Moz Cameron Gold Deposit.

Very high-grade gold mineralisation was intersected in one of these holes, CCD-11-172, which was drilled to evaluate the down-plunge extension of northern end of the Cameron Gold Deposit. Results from this hole included:

- 9.1 metres at 11.91 g/t gold from 256.0 metres, including
0.35 metres at 289.0 g/t gold from 262.7 metres

The intersection of bonanza-grade gold mineralisation in this drill hole, which follows the recently reported intersection of 3.4 metres at 58.73 g/t gold, including 0.6 metres at 320.0 g/t gold, in drill hole CCD-11-099 (collared about 200 metres from CCD-11-172) further confirms the potential to delineate additional very high-grade quartz vein sets within the Cameron Gold Deposit that have until now been largely unrecognised.

Numerous other holes drilled to evaluate the northern and northwestern extensions of the Cameron Gold Deposit also intersected high-grade gold mineralisation. Recent results include:

- 4.0 metres at 6.18 g/t gold from 171.3 metres,
including 1.0 metre at 19.10 g/t gold from 173.3 metres
- 1.0 metre at 36.40 g/t gold from 263.2 metres
- 5.0 metres at 4.48 g/t gold from 64.0 metres
- 2.8 metres at 4.13 g/t gold from 75.3 metres
- 2.5 metres at 4.29 g/t gold from 28.5 metres

These results provide further confirmation that there are additional thicker, higher-grade shoots of mineralisation immediately along strike from the main mineralised zone at the Cameron Gold Deposit. These recent holes also confirm that these shoots have significant depth extent.

Despite recent intensive drilling, mineralisation to the north and northwest of the Cameron Gold Deposit remains open along strike and at depth.

Resource Upgrade

The Company has now received analytical results for all but one of the 299 drill holes completed in the recent drilling program. Considerable progress has been made re-interpreting the data from these holes, including the integration of analytical results from these holes with the historic 84,541 metres of drilling data. On completion of this reinterpretation a new JORC-Code compliant resource estimate will be calculated, incorporating all of the drilling data from the project. The mineral resource estimate for the Cameron Gold Deposit currently comprises:
11.3Mt at 2.77 g/t gold for 1.0 Moz of gold

This has not been recalculated since the Company's 44,135 metre drilling program began. It is anticipated that the resource upgrade will be finalised during November 2011.

Follow-up Drilling Program
Despite recent intensive drilling, mineralisation at the northern and northwestern extensions of the Cameron Gold Deposit remains open along strike and at depth. There are more than 30 other gold occurrences, prospects and deposits within the Company's 12,800 hectare project area that also remain heavily underexplored.

Plans are well advanced to undertake further drilling to continue to evaluate the exploration potential of the Cameron Gold Project. It is anticipated that a follow-up drilling program will commence in November 2011.

For the complete Coventry Resources announcement including figures and tables, please view the following link:


Mike Haynes
Executive Chairman
Tel: +61-8-9324-1266

ABN Newswire
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