Terrain Minerals Limited Stock Market Press Releases and Company Profile
Wildflower Gold Project High Impact RC Drilling
Wildflower Gold Project High Impact RC Drilling

Sydney, Nov 27, 2024 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Terrain Minerals Limited (googlechartASX:TMX) is pleased to announce that, following on from the success of its recent air-core campaign at its 100% owned Wildflower Gold Project, Terrain's geological team is now preparing for a rapid follow-up drilling campaign with results expected to be released in January 2025.

Terrain's "High Impact December" is about to commence with a sixteen (16)-hole Reverse Circulation (RC) drill program totalling ~2,150 metres (refer to diagrams 2 and 3*). Six targets, including the newly identified Cota (T16W) and T16, are being tested based on the successes of the first pass drilling results, and the new geological modelling highlighting their potential.

Gold Drilling Highlights:

Cota (T16W), T16, Wildflower (all three targets being tested) - Nine (9) holes

- Testing of high-priority NW trending structures interpreted as potential repetitions of the sheer zones hosting the Rothsay Deposit (note1) (refer to diagram 2*).

- Newly identified NW structures coincide with historic elevated gold in soil anomalies and the recent drilling results at Cota/T16.

Monza/Lightning (known mineralised parallel structures) - Six (6) holes

- New modelling has identified a new structural model for Monza and Lightning.

- Drilling targets mineralised extensions, down plunge and orientation (refer diagrams 1 and 3*).

Larin's Lane Gallium Project

- Signal twin hole at 23SBAC077 for metallurgical samples (refer to diagram 4*).

- MRIWA metallurgical research program commences in 2025 (Gallium focused).

- Larin's Lane JORC compliant Exploration target released on the 06/11/2024.

Following the release of the first pass drilling results on 12 November 2024, the board has responded quickly and is excited about advancing this project towards a potential new gold discovery in 2025. The geological team has generated a new geological model over the three targets at Wildflower, using Terrains internal field mapping, combined with historic data and remodelled magnetics. The Monza and Lightning targets have been a work in progress, with a new model being generated over these two mineralised zones, may unlock further potential.

Maintaining its accelerated exploration approach, Terrain has returned to the field within 14 days of releasing the first pass drilling results. Preparation to drill in now underway targeting the start of drilling in early December 2024, with results anticipated to be released in January 2025. Terrain will update the market of the commencement of drilling.

The Wildflower gold project is strategically located in Western Australia's mid-west mining region, 10km north of Vault Minerals' Rothsay's gold mine, south of Warriedar Resources and 29 Metals' Golden Grove operation. This area continues to build its gold inventory, with multiple processing facilities in the area (refer to diagram 5 to 7*).

Commenting on the ongoing project advancement efforts, Terrain Minerals' Executive Director, Justin Virgin, said:

"I'm incredibly proud of our team's dedication and hard work and the results to date demonstrate that the team is working smart with the aim of create value for shareholders."

"With the gold price reaching all-time highs, now is an ideal time to advance potential discoveries and start the new year of on the front foot".

Wildflower first pass drilling highlights

During September 2024, Terrain undertook its first pass air-core reconnaissance drilling program which consisting of 72 air-core holes, totalling 1,710 metres at the Wildflower targets, with the exciting drilling results released on 12 November 2024.

Highlights First pass Air-Core "Supergene" mineralisation at Cota (T16W):

- 9 metres @ 1.17 g/t Gold from 30 metres - hole 24WFAC062.

o Including 3m @ 2.61 g/t Gold from 33m.

- Additionally, multiple wide zones of lower supergene gold anomalism:

o 42 metres @ 0.11 g/t Gold from 0 metres - hole 24WFAC050.

o 18 metres @ 0.14 g/t Gold from 42 metres - hole 24WFAC051.

JORC tables for above results can be found in ASX release 12/11/2024.

The discovery of mineralisation (interpreted as being supergene) was made following up on one of three historic gold and arsenic soil anomalies first identified within the Wildflower Gold project area in 1983 and reconfirmed by previous tenement owners in 2001 and 2009. The anomaly had remained untested prior to the September/October 2024 drill program.

Location & Access

Wildflower Gold & Larin's Lane Gallium Projects (Smokebush)

The Smokebush Project area is located approximately ~350km from Perth Western Australia and 85 kilometres east northeast of the Perenjori township and 65 kilometres west of Payne's Find. Located within the Yalgoo Mineral Field. The tenements can be accessed via the unsealed Perenjori - Warriedar Road, and via extensive historical exploration grid lines, station tracks and fences lines.

*To view tables and figures, please visit:

About Terrain Minerals Limited

Terrain Minerals LimitedTerrain Minerals Ltd (ASX:TMX) is a West Australian based minerals exploration company focused on the world class mineral provinces in Western Australia. Terrain is actively looking for opportunities within other states of Australia and internationally.

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Justin Virgin - Executive Director
Email: terrain@terrainminerals.com.au
Phone: +61 8 9381 5558

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