Perth, Mar 1, 2016 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Interview with Blackham Resources Ltd (
ASX:BLK) Managing Director, Bryan Dixon, to discuss the results of the DFS for the Matilda Gold Project.
Questions include:
The mine life has grown significantly over the past 14 months. Can you please highlight how this has been achieved?
Blackham has increased the number underground deposit in the mine plan to three. Can you please discuss this in more detail?
The DFS highlighted there remains significant exploration upside. Can you please discuss this in more detail?
Can you please discuss the capital and operating costs in more detail?
The DFS highlighted there remains upside for metallurgical recoveries. Can you please discuss?
What are the key milestones for Blackham as you move towards production in 3Q16?
To view the video interview, please visit:
About Wiluna Mining Corporation Ltd
Wiluna Mining Corporation (ASX:WMC) (OTCMKTS:WMXCF) is a Perth based, ASX listed gold mining company that controls over 1,600 square kilometres of the Yilgarn Craton in the Northern Goldfields of WA. The Yilgarn Craton has a historic and current gold endowment of over 380 million ounces, making it one of most prolific gold regions in the world. The Company owns 100% of the Wiluna Gold Operation which has a defined resource of 8.04M oz at 1.67 g/t au. In May 2019, a new highly skilled management team took control of the Company with a clear plan to leverage the Wiluna Gold Operation's multi-million-ounce potential.
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