View in Other Languages 2010年10月18日澳洲股市:Marengo Mining (ASX:MGO)与中色股份(SHE:000758)签订巴布亚新几内亚铜钼金项目谅解备忘录 Australian Market Report of October 18, 2010: Marengo Mining (ASX:MGO) Signs Memorandum Of Understanding With China NFC (SHE:000758) For Copper-Molybdenum-Gold Project In Papua New Guinea 2010年10月18日澳洲股市:Marengo Mining (ASX:MGO)與中色股份(SHE:000758)簽訂巴布亞新幾內亞銅鉬金項目諒解備忘錄  Laporan Pasar Australia 18 Oktober 2010: Marengo Mining (ASX:MGO) menanda tangani nota kesepahaman dengan China NFC (SHE:000758) untuk Proyek Tembaga-Molibdenun-Emas di Papua Nugini Informe de Mercado Australiano del 18 de octubre de 2010: Marengo Mining (ASX:MGO) Firma Memorando de Entendimiento con China NFC (SHE:000758) para el proyecto del Cobre-Molibdeno-Oro en Papúa Nueva Guinea Australischer Marktbericht vom 18. Oktober 2010: Marengo Mining (ASX:MGO)unterzeichnet Einverständniserklärung (Memorandum Of Understanding) mit China NFC (SHE:000758) für Kupfer-Molybän-Gold Projekt in Papua-Neuguinea Papua-Neuguinea 2010년 10월18일 호주 시장보고서: Marengo Mining (ASX:MGO), 중국 NFC (SHE:000758)과 파푸아뉴기니 구리-몰리브데넘-금 프로젝트 MOU 체결 オーストラリア市場レポート 2010年10月18日: Marengo Mining (ASX:MGO) は China NFC (SHE:000758) との間でパプアニューギニアでの銅・モリブデン・金プロジェクトに対する覚書を締結 تقرير السوق الاسترالية ليوم 18 تشرين اول/اكتوبر، 2010: وقعت شركة Marengo Mining ASX:MGO مذكرة تفاهم مع شركة China NFC SHE:000758 الصينية لاستخراج النحاس والموليبدينوم والذهب في بابوا غينيا الجديدة  Papua New Guinea 
Australian Market Report of October 18, 2010: Marengo Mining (ASX:MGO) Signs Memorandum Of Understanding With China NFC (SHE:000758) For Copper-Molybdenum-Gold Project In Papua New Guinea
Australian Market Report of October 18, 2010: Marengo Mining (ASX:MGO) Signs Memorandum Of Understanding With China NFC (SHE:000758) For Copper-Molybdenum-Gold Project In Papua New Guinea

Sydney, Oct 18, 2010 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Marengo Mining Limited (googlechartASX:MGO) (googlechartPINK:MGOMF) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") with China Nonferrous Metal Industry's Foreign Engineering and Construction Co. Ltd ("NFC") (googlechartSHE:000758), paving the way for formal agreements on financing, construction and off-take for Marengo's 100%-owned Yandera Copper-Molybdenum-Gold Project in Papua New Guinea. The project is anticipated to have an initial ore production of approximately 25Mtpa and a potential to reach to 50Mtpa. Construction at Yandera is expected to commence in the first half of 2012.

Tap Oil Limited (googlechartASX:TAP) reported that its Manora-4 appraisal well in Thailand was spudded on 14 October 2010. The well is located in the northern Gulf of Thailand in 45 metres of water, approximately 75 kilometres from shore and 230 kilometres south of Bangkok. Drilling at Manora-4 Well was commenced on 14 October 2010 and would last for 25 days in total. Upon completion of evaluation, the well will be plugged and abandoned in the normal course of offshore operations.

Encounter Resources Limited (googlechartASX:ENR) has encountered additional high grade copper intersections from the BM1 prospect at the Yeneena project in Western Australia. Assay results recorded the highest grade copper intersection to date from the project including 2 metres of Cu at 7.6%. In addition, there were a number of thick, near surface intersections of over 1% copper. The planned RC/diamond drill program is to commence next week.

Petratherm Limited (googlechartASX:PTR) is working with the Spanish and Madrid regional governments to advance its 8 MW Madrid Geothermal District Heating project. The Spanish government has provided AUD$140,000 to assist the feasibility stage of the project, which is now near completion. This renewable energy project is expected to be the first application of geothermal district heating in the Madrid region.


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