View in Other Languages 2010年12月6日澳洲股市:South Boulder Mines Limited (ASX:STB)报告西澳更多镍铜铂矿化结果 Australian Market Report of December 6, 2010: South Boulder Mines Limited (ASX:STB) Reports More Ni-Cu-PGE Mineralisation in Western Australia 2010年12月6日澳洲股市:South Boulder Mines Limited (ASX:STB)報告西澳更多鎳銅鉑礦化結果 Laporan Pasar Australia 6 Desember 2010: South Boulder Mines Limited (ASX:STB) Melaporkan Mineralisasi Lebih Ni-Cu-PGE di Australia Barat 2010년 12월6일 호주 시장보고서: South Boulder Mines Limited (ASX:STB), WA주에서 니켈/구리/백금그룹 광물 추가 발견 El Informe del Mercado Australiano del 6 De Diciembre de 2010 Incluye: South Boulder Mines Limited (ASX:STB) Divulga Más Resultados Mineralización de Ni-Cu-PGE en Australia Occidental オーストラリア市場レポート 2010年12月6日:South Boulder Mines Limited (ASX:STB)は西オーストラリアでのニッケル、銅及びコバルトの発見を報告 تقرير السوق الاسترالية ليوم 6 كانون الأول/ديسمبر، 2010: اعلنت شركة South Boulder Mines Limited ASX:STB عن اكتشافات اضافية لخامات النيكل والنحاس ومجموعة تمعدنات بلاتينية PGE في غربي استراليا. 
Australian Market Report of December 6, 2010: South Boulder Mines Limited (ASX:STB) Reports More Ni-Cu-PGE Mineralisation in Western Australia
Australian Market Report of December 6, 2010: South Boulder Mines Limited (ASX:STB) Reports More Ni-Cu-PGE Mineralisation in Western Australia

Sydney, Dec 6, 2010 AEST (ABN Newswire) - South Boulder Mines Limited (googlechartASX:STB), together with JV partner Independence Group NL (googlechartASX:IGO), announces further assay results from drilling at the Rosie Ni-Cu-PGE Prospect in Western Australia. Drilling has confirmed high grade Ni-Cu-Co-PGE mineralisation and the overall continuity of the mineralisation. Drilling is continuing to extend and define resources.

Berkeley Resources Limited (googlechartASX:BKY) announced final results from the reverse circulation drilling program at Salamanca Uranium Project in Spain. Final chemical assay results from the RC drilling program extend the new north-west zone for 200 metres beyond the current resource outline. Notable Intersections include eU3O8 1,717ppm, 3,578ppm and 1,285ppm. A follow up program RC drilling program is planned to determine the limits of this extension.

Raisama Limited (googlechartASX:RAI) and joint venture partner Monitor Energy Limited (googlechartASX:MHL) announced that high grade uranium intersections from a new, three hole reconnaissance drilling program, have significantly extended the strike extent of Raisama's Kashkasu II uranium discovery in the Kyrgyz Republic. Mineralisation has now been successfully intersected over a strike extend of more than 2.6km. Best intersections included 3m at 538 ppm U3O8 and 2m at 477 ppm U3O8. The company is currently planning a program of drilling and trenching to expedite this project in 2011.

Bassari Resources Limited (googlechartASX:BSR) announces further diamond drilling results from its Makabingui Prospect, Senegal, West Africa. Drilling intersected 4 meters at 6.5g/t Au from 48.4 metres and 10 metres at 3.3g/t Au from 33 metres, and confirmed the Mirkhoto lode over a 500 metre strike length. RC drilling is currently underway to follow up the Mirkhoto lode to the south where previous RC drilling intersected 7 metres at 4.7 g/t Au from 80 metres. The aim of this drilling is to extend the strike length of the lode a further 200 metres.


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