View in Other Languages تقرير السوق الاسترالية ليوم 14 نيسان/أبريل، 2011: شركة DataMotion Asia Pacific ASX:DMN سوف تبدأ عمليات الحفر في موقع M12 لخامات لعناصر النادرة في شهر نيسان. Laporan Pasar Australia 14 April 2011: DataMotion Asia Pacific (ASX:DMN) Memulai Penggalian Pada Target Elemen Langka Bumi M12 Di Bulan April Relatório do Mercado Australiano de 14 de Abril de 2011: DataMotion Asia Pacific (ASX:DMN) Começa as Perfurações da Meta de Elementos Terras Raras M12 em Abril Rapport du marché australien en date du 14 avril 2011 : DataMotion Asia Pacific (ASX:DMN) va commencer le forage sur la cible de métaux de terres rares M12 en avril รายงานการตลาดออสเตรเลีย วันที่ 14 เมษายน 2011: บริษัท DataMotion Asia Pacific (ASX:DMN) จะเริ่มขุดหาแร่แรร์เอิร์ธ M12 ตามเป้าหมายในเดือนเมษายน Australischer Marktbericht vom 14. April 2011: DataMotion Asia Pacific Limited (ASX:DMN) wird im April mit Bohrungen am M12 Ziel für seltene Elemente beginnen Asian Activities Report for April 14, 2011: DataMotion Asia Pacific (ASX:DMN) To Commence Drilling On M12 Rare Earth Elements Target In April 2011년 4월14일 호주 시장보고서: DataMotion Asia Pacific (ASX:DMN), M12 희토류 매장지 시추 4월내 착수 Reporte del Mercado Australiano, 14 de abril de 2011: DataMotion Asia Pacific (ASX:DMN) por iniciar en abril Barreno de Tierras Raras en el Foco de Exploración M12 2011年4月14日澳洲股市:DataMotion Asia Pacific (ASX:DMN)四月份将开始钻探M12稀土元素靶区 オーストラリア市場レポート 2011年4月14日: DataMotion Asia Pacific (ASX:DMN) が M12 レアアース元素対象地での掘削を 4 月に開始予定 2011年4月14日澳洲股市:DataMotion Asia Pacific (ASX:DMN)四月份將開始鑽探M12稀土元素靶區 
Asian Activities Report for April 14, 2011: DataMotion Asia Pacific Limited (ASX:DMN) Completed Gravity Survey On M12 Rare Earth Elements Target In Western Australia
Asian Activities Report for April 14, 2011: DataMotion Asia Pacific Limited (ASX:DMN) Completed Gravity Survey On M12 Rare Earth Elements Target In Western Australia

Sydney, April 14, 2011 AEST (ABN Newswire) - DataMotion Asia Pacific Limited (googlechartASX:DMN) has completed a 3D gravity survey on M12 target within the Mt Barrett rare earth elements project and is planning drilling on M12 in April 2011. M12 is a strongly magnetic anomaly approximately 2.5km in diameter, located north-east of Lynas Corporation's (googlechartASX:LYC) Mt Weld project in Western Australia, one of the World's richest rare earth deposit.

MobileActive Limited (googlechartASX:MBA), Australia's leading independent mobile phone content interactive services and technology company, said today that mobile phone applications, produced by its RingRing Studios division, have surpassed 1,000,000 downloads worldwide. The Company's distribution network through its RingRing Studios division currently covers 100 countries and is continuing to expand.

UXA Resources Limited (googlechartASX:UXA) has intersected a 3-metre zone of visual Zn-Pb mineralisation in the first infill diamond drill hole at the Dome 5 zinc-lead-silver prospect in NSW, where early exploration had returned high grade mineralisation of up to 0.85m at 19.15% Zn, 4.9% Pb and 83ppm Ag. The remaining drill holes are expected to be completed over the next five to six weeks.

Avanco Resources Limited (googlechartASX:AVB) reported that drilling at Serra Verde Copper Project in Brazil continued to show great promise. Continuous mineralisation has been encountered including 7.23m of copper sulphide and the mineralisation is thickening and open at depth. Highly encouraged by the early exploration success, the Company has mobilised a second rig to the project and already commenced drilling.


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