View in Other Languages 2011年8月1日亚洲活动报告:Cullen Resources (ASX:CUL)宣布加拿大TL地产上的高品位锌发现 Asian Activities Report for August 1, 2011: Cullen Resources (ASX:CUL) Announce High-Grade Zinc Discovery at TL Property in Canada 2011年8月1日亞洲活動報告:Cullen Resources (ASX:CUL)宣布加拿大TL地產上的高品位鋅發現 2011년 8월1일 아시아 현장보고서: Cullen Resources (ASX:CUL), 캐나다 TL Property에서 고 등급 아연 확인 アジア市場活動レポート 2011年8月1日:カレンリソーシズ (ASX:CUL) がカナダ TL Property での高グレード亜鉛発見を発表 
Asian Activities Report for August 1, 2011: Cullen Resources (ASX:CUL) Announce High-Grade Zinc Discovery at TL Property in Canada
Asian Activities Report for August 1, 2011: Cullen Resources (ASX:CUL) Announce High-Grade Zinc Discovery at TL Property in Canada

Sydney, Aug 1, 2011 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Cullen Resources Limited (googlechartASX:CUL) announced high grade zinc discovery including 3 metres at 8.98% zinc within a massive sulphide zone from the TL Property located in south-east metal district of British Columbia, Canada. Trench sample assay results are highly anomalous in molybdenum and rhenium, with maximum molybdenum of 1339ppm, associated with the zinc sulphide zone. In addition, there are anomalous concentrations of copper, bismuth, nickel, tin, and tungsten. The Company believes that the area contains approximately 15 strike kilometres of prospective stratigraphy and will commence a substantial follow-up exploration programme.

Kasbah Resources Limited (googlechartASX:KAS) has signed a letter of intent to award 30,000 metres of diamond drilling to the international drilling company Spektra Jeotek AS. Spektra will immediately mobilise three new diamond rigs to Kasbah's Achmmach tin project in Morocco and equipment will be onsite and operational next month. Kasbah intents to increase the size and upgrade the resource at Achmmach and targets to have up to five diamond rigs operating by the last quarter of 2011.

Centrex Metals Limited (googlechartASX:CXM) has received approval to mine its wholly owned Wilgerup deposit of hematite iron ore in South Australia. It is anticipated that Wilgerup will produce between 1.0 million tonnes and 1.5 million tonnes of direct shipping ore per annum for up to 7 years.

Endocoal Limited (googlechartASX:EOC) has successfully completed a A$7.7 million placement from the issue of 19.7 million shares at an issue price of A$0.39 per share. The proceeds from the placement will fully fund a Bankable Feasibility Study for a proposed 1.5Mtpa open-cut thermal coal mine at the Meteor Downs South project and an aggressive drilling and exploration program at other tenements.


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