
Sydney, Feb 13, 2015 AEST (ABN Newswire) - VIDEO: Cleantech Expert John O'Brien Speaks with ABN Newswire about the Sino Cleantech Index.

Analysing the Cleantech sector across over 150 global leaders, the Sino Cleantech Report gives both industry analysts and investors a performance metric from which to base investment decisions and growth strategies.

Speaking about the mechanics of the index, John O'Brien explains the relevance of this research, including benchmarking against global performance indexes, sub indices for detailed comparisons, and over two years of monitoring the constituents of the index.

John O'Brien is the founder and Managing Director of both Australian CleanTech and Sino CleanTech - research and advisory firms that assist cleantech companies to grow, investors to successfully invest and governments to create policy environments that facilitate industry growth. With over 15 years in the green technology sector, John has worked with many investors to help develop successful investment strategies and to complete profitable transactions. Mr O'Brien is also a Non-Executive Director Novarise Ltd (googlechartASX:NOE).

Prior to joining the Australian energy industry, Mr O'Brien held oil and gas and consulting engineering roles in the UK, Canada and the Middle East.

Mr O'Brien previously worked for Origin Energy Limited (googlechartASX:ORG) on growth, strategy and M&A projects which focused on reviewing clean energy and water industry opportunities. He was also the founding secretary of that Company's Operational Risk Committee.

Mr O'Brien is also on the board of three unlisted clean technology start-up companies, and is an adjunct lecturer in the MBA course at the University of Adelaide and a member of the South Australian Premier's Climate Change Council. He is a Chartered Engineer with the Institute of Engineers Australia and is a member of the Responsible Investment Association of Australasia. Mr O'Brien has engineering degrees from the University of Oxford in England and Trinity College in Ireland, and an MBA from the University of Adelaide.

The China Cleantech Index is updated each month and published on the SinoCleantech website at www.sinocleantech.com. It is published internationally in conjunction with Cleantech Investor (www.cleantechinvestor.com) and in China in conjunction with Top Capital (www.topcapital.cn).

Monthly results can be emailed directly to interested parties by signing up to the distribution list at:

To view the video interview, please visit:

About Sino CleanTech

Sino CleanTechSino CleanTech publishes the China CleanTech Index and facilitates Chinese Cleantech investments and provides services to Government agencies across Asia to help stimulate investment in the Cleantech industry. These investments include looking at listed cleantech stocks and direct investment into projects and companies. Sino Cleantech is active in facilitating:

- Investment from Chinese investors into cleantech in both China and internationally; and

- Investment from international investors into the Chinese cleantech market.

Please contact us if you are looking for funding or seeking investments.



John O'Brien
Managing Director, Sino CleanTech
Ph: +61 419 826 372

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Research Report