View in Other Languages 2011年8月5日亚洲活动:Bulletin Resources (ASX:BNR)拓展高品位金矿发现地 2011年8月5日亞洲活動:Bulletin Resources (ASX:BNR​​)拓展高品位金礦發現地 Asian Activities Report for August 5, 2011: Bulletin Resources (ASX:BNR) Continue to Grow High Grade Gold Discovery 2011년 8월5일 아시아 현장보고서: Bulletin Resources (ASX:BNR), 고 등급 금 발견 성과지속 アジア市場活動レポート 2011年8月5日:ブレティンリソーシズ (ASX:BNR) が高グレード金発見地の拡大を継続 
Asian Activities Report for August 5, 2011: Bulletin Resources (ASX:BNR) Continue to Grow High Grade Gold Discovery
Asian Activities Report for August 5, 2011: Bulletin Resources (ASX:BNR) Continue to Grow High Grade Gold Discovery

Sydney, Aug 5, 2011 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Bulletin Resources Limited (googlechartASX:BNR) reported additional high grade gold results from its 100%-owned Nicolson's Gold Project in northern Western Australia. Drilling continues to expand the high grade footwall lode discovery and highlight the depth potential of the pit. The new results are expected to contribute valuable ounces to the Company's upcoming resource update. The project currently has a combined open pit and underground Mineral Resource of 1 million tonnes at 5.20g/t Au.

Central Petroleum Limited (googlechartASX:CTP) intends to drill up to three wells starting from mid-September 2011. The three planned wells are the re-entry and testing of the Surprise-1 Well in the Amadeus Basin for conventional and unconventional oil, followed by the drilling of the 4 Billion barrel Madigan oil prospect in the Pedirka Basin and the 2 TCFG Mt Kitty prospect.

ZYL Limited (googlechartASX:ZYL) announced that drilling results have confirmed additional significant coal resources at the Kangwane Anthracite Project. The results of phase one drilling program confirmed the near surface nature of the coal present, supporting the decision to focus the Bankable Feasibility Study on the proposed open-pit operations. The second phase drilling program, targeting 3,000 meters, is expected to be completed during August 2011.

Grand Gulf Energy Limited (googlechartASX:GGE) said today that La Posada discovery well has been logged and fully evaluated to 18,400ft. 248ft net pay has been confirmed. The well is currently drilling ahead with expectations of reaching its proposed total depth of 19,300ft within two weeks. The Company expects production to commence early next year.

India-based leading outsourcing solutions provider Hinduja Global Solutions Limited (googlechartBOM:532859) has acquired On-Line Support Inc, a Canada-based Customer Relationship Management company, at an enterprise value of C$74.85 million in an all cash deal. This acquisition presents both the companies with opportunities to cross-sell and up-sell to their existing clients. With this acquisition, Hinduja now has a presence in 42 delivery centres across the USA, India, Philippines, Canada, Mauritius and the U.K. with offerings in more than 25 different languages.


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